


Analysis of Obama's "Yes we can!" speech







september 12, 2021
Analysis of Obama's speech
The speech "America, yes we can!", given by Barack Obama at his primary in New
Hempshire on Ja

september 12, 2021 Analysis of Obama's speech The speech "America, yes we can!", given by Barack Obama at his primary in New Hempshire on January 8, 2008, deals with the problems America is facing. In the speech he adresses the citizens of America. Obama states, that there is no problem they cannot solve, gives information about the things that will change once he is president, and assures the citizens of America that all people together can begin a new great chapter of American history. He starts his speech with an introductive paragraph in which he motivates the citizens of America to mobilize their voices if they want to make a change. By using the so called "royal we" (cf. I. 4f; 7) he creates a feeling of unity and solidarity. In the main part, Obama states the things he wants to change when he is president. Something that is striking are the many anaphoras he uses. The words "we can" are used often (cf. I. 15ff; 21 ff) to put emphasis on the meaning of solidarity when it comes to making a change in the United States of America. Moreover, he uses the antithesis of "doctors and patients; workers and businesses, Democrats and Republicans" in line 9f. which states that basically anyone, no matter of their...

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personal backround can work together for the same goal. Another anaphora Barack Obama constantly uses are the words "Yes we can" (cf. I. 42; 44; 48f.). He does that to intensify the feeling of insurance amongst the citizens that they really can make a change when they vote for Obama as their new president. By giving some historical references that are all connected to a fight for change, equality or a goal that seemed out of reach but were achieved anyways, he assures to the citizens of America even more, that any change they want can be possible(cf. I. 39-47). In the last paragraph, Obama gives concrete examples of people that are the contrary of each other and compares them to show that America is one nation and that he will be a president for anyone that lives in it. The words "Yes. We. Can." at the end of the speech are something that one surely keeps in mind what made it possible for the speech to become as famous as it is today. In the end, one can say that the speech, thanks to all the stylistic and rhetorical devices, is catching, persuasive and worthy of being remembered. Obama convinces the people to vote for him as president by bridging the gap between him and the audience in the first paragraph already and by convincing his audience that they are all equal and that he will be a president for everyone.