Animal testing is a controversial practice involving the use of live animals for scientific research, product safety testing, and medical advancements. Despite ethical concerns, millions of animals are subjected to experiments annually, often resulting in their death. While progress has been made in some regions to reduce animal testing, particularly in the cosmetics industry, it remains widespread in medical research. Alternatives to Tierversuchen Kosmetik and other fields are being developed, including in-vitro methode tierversuche and computer modeling, which offer more humane and potentially more accurate results.
- Animal testing involves using live animals for various experiments, often causing pain and death
- Primarily used in medical research, product safety testing, and cosmetics industry
- Ethical concerns and accuracy issues have led to increased focus on alternative methods
- EU has banned cosmetics tested on animals, but practice continues in many countries
- Alternativen zu Tierversuchen Medizin are being developed, including cell cultures and computer models