


Aufsatz: Position gegen Waffen







Rachel Scott (16), Evan Todd (15), Dylan Hockley (6), Jesse Lewis (6),...
They lost their live because a person legally bought the guns to e

Rachel Scott (16), Evan Todd (15), Dylan Hockley (6), Jesse Lewis (6),... They lost their live because a person legally bought the guns to end their lives. The children were supposed to live a long carefree life, but one person changed everything. With steady regularity, brutal events involving firearms haunt societies around the globe. What are good aspects to mitigate or even stop major rampages and acts of gun violence ,,GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE" This argument is often used when discussing the tightening of gun laws, because the gun is not to blame for the crime, because it is actually the mind of the person. But if you look closely, it is obvious that the core of the argument is true, the man is the one who does the deed, but the weapon gives him the opportunity to brutally murder children, teenagers and adults in the fastest way and in large numbers. The gun is a kind of escalation tool, so to speak, because it is in the nature of human beings that we form conflicts among ourselves, but a gun pushes the conflict to its climax. Even for planned acts, the use of firearms makes a countable difference: It is difficult to imagine a spree killer stabbing 58 people...

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to death with a knife before being overpowered. That is, "Guns don't kill people. But they make it hell of a lot easier than it should be." ,,IF EVERYONE IS ARMED, A CRIMINAL WILL THINK TWICE ABOUT ATTACKING AT ALL". The infamous "balance of terror," effectively the logic of nuclear weaponization on an interpersonal level. However, I think this argument starts from a false premise: Weapons use is rarely rational. If it happens in the affect (see 1.) not anyway, but also not otherwise. People who use firearms have usually already crossed a certain threshold of desperation and determination. In this threshold they already accept prison sentences of several years (or even life) or their own death. For the same reasons that higher penalties do not provide additional deterrence above a certain level, the potential "gun deterrent" does not work either. Affective acts are not prevented, because in these moments logic rarely counts. Acts of desperation are not prevented, because those who, for example, are looking for ways to finance the next "shot" do not make complicated cost-benefit calculations. Those who rob gas stations at night are not known for their careful "risk-reward" considerations. And finally, empiricism doesn't show that it works either. ,,TO BEAR ARMS IS MY RIGHT - THAT MEANS FREEDOM!" Of course, any interference with the citizen's freedom of action must be justified. One considers how great the risk of a particular situation is, and what the ultimate price of reducing that risk is. In this case, a general ban on weapons of war and heavy regulation of hunting and sporting weapons (as is the case in Germany) seems to me to be appropriate. As with the use of other potentially dangerous equipment, careful training and testing is reasonable, common, and necessary. Possible solutions would be the formation of crisis teams for the early detection of potential offenders. These teams would consist of educational and school psychology specialists, police officers and staff from youth welfare offices, among others, stronger controls on the school premises and locking the doors after the start of classes. All in all, I believe there are few valid reasons for placing firearms in civilian hands without regulation. In view of events, we had better make sure that this does not happen again. And give the U.S goverment a little thought-provoking push for tightening gun laws.