









Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second
Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second
Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second
Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second
Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second
Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second
Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second
Cloning Scottish Blackfate
nuck tion
Cloning is a type of genetic
engineering that uses cells from
one organism to create a second

Cloning Scottish Blackfate nuck tion amma Cloning is a type of genetic engineering that uses cells from one organism to create a second living organism that is genetically identical to the first. Normal Development Sperm (1n) Adult Oocyte (1n) Zygote (2n) Implantation in uterus Blastocyst Reproductive Cloning Adult cell (2n) Enucleated oocyte Clone Nuclear transfer zygote (2n) Nuclear transfer blastocyst Uterine transfer into surrogate Therapeutic Cloning Adult cell (2n) Enucleated oocyte Nuclear transfer zygote (2n) Nuclear transfer blastocyst Embryonic stem cells Differentiated tissues ● ● ● ● ● ● 1979 researchers produced the first genetically identical mice 1996 Wilmut and Campbell cloned Dolly from adult cells • 1997 in Scotland the first sheep cloned with a human gene is born "Dolly" ● ● timeline ● 1901 Hans Spemann accidentally clones a salamander from an embryo cell 1928 Spemann transplanted nucleus into a cell without a nucleus (salamander embryos) 1944 the first fertilization of human egg cells takes place in a test tube 1952 frogs are cloned from a tadpole for the first time 1966 John Gordon clones tadpoles from intestinal wall cells of adult clawed frogs 1998 the researcher Seed announced that he would try to clone human cells using the example of Dolly 2003 in Cremona / Italy first clone foal "Prometea" What are the potential applications of cloning? testing new drugs and treatment strategies • to build populations of endangered, or possibly even extinct, species unique ability to generate virtually all types of cells in an organism Improvement of pharmaceutical production Healing Hereditary Diseases Improve food production ● milk of genetically modified sheep contains a human protein...

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essential for blood clotting help sterile couples fulfill their dream of parenthood learn more about the molecular causes of disease ● FUNFACT: Some people also have expressed interest in having their deceased pets cloned in the hope of getting a similar animal to replace the dead one ● What are the potential drawbacks of cloning? • most cloned animal embryos cannot develop into healthy individuals • some adverse health effects: increase in birth size and defects in vital organs premature aging • problems with the immune system striking similarities between stem cells and cancer cells ● ● Biological Weapons Health risks from genetically modified food • Business on the Internet with clones ● ● Ethical discussion • destruction of human embryos many miscarriages no more individuals Abnormalities can occur frequently are creatures of God no right to dispose of these beings prohibited under the German Embryo Protection Act ● ● Sources https://e-hausaufgaben.de/Referate/D4516-Klonierung-Das- Klonen-Keine-Erfindung-des-Menschen-Biologiereferat.php https://stemcell.ny.gov/faqs/what-difference-between- reproductive-and-therapeutic-cloning https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/fact-sheets/Cloning- Fact-Sheet https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cloning