


Description and analysis of a cartoon







Description and Analysis of a Cartoon
The picture shows two people starting a race. The person on the left side is an older man
with light s

Description and Analysis of a Cartoon The picture shows two people starting a race. The person on the left side is an older man with light skin tone in a blue suit and shoes. On its route to the finish line there are two obstacles to jump over or to walk past. To the right, there is also a dark-skinned woman. She wears sneaks, leggings and a top. A weight is attached to her right leg. On her route to the finish line there are much more obstacles then on the left. The first are two tires, they are followed by a fence with barbed wire. The last three obstacles are a small pond with a crocodile in it, a broken wall and arrowheads fixed to a stone. Furthermore, there is written "What's the matter? It's the same distance!" In my opinion this cartoon shows a very important issue in our society. It seems to me that the race is a kind of parallel of the lives of people of different gender. The picture represents the difference between the life of a woman and a man. Moreover, it also represents the difference in life chances of a POC and a white person. In either cases, as the cartoon shows, the race - the...

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life, is significantly easier to win for white people, exactly white men. Due to the many and more difficult obstacles, women, particularly women of color, have nearly no chance to win, no matter how hard they try. The cartoon demonstrates inequalities in real life. Even today, in the 21st century, women and men and light-skinned and dark-skinned people are not equal. The sentence the man says to the woman makes it clear that men take advantage of the situation and some of them don't even want to admit that women have to cope with much more difficulties and have to handle more tasks than they. That's why such cartoons are so important to us. They show how unfair the life is. Women often earn less money than men, though they do the same job. There is sexism and racism. In America people are killed because of the color of their skin and in many countries POC are discriminated. We must not forget that we are all human beings and therefore worth the same. "What's the matter? Emanu.se It's the same distance!"