


dystopia utopia







Dystopia / Utopia
Utopian literature
-> a fictional text dealing with
an ideal (future) society
->here: fictitous description

Dystopia / Utopia Utopian literature -> a fictional text dealing with an ideal (future) society Extrapolation ->here: fictitous description of elements of future society. on the basis of present day phenomena & developments.. The writ critic his or her own society by demonstrating what certain trends may lead to or what point society has already reached. Distopian literature -> a fictonal text dealing with a future society in which human freedom is severely limited. A distopia often criticizes our present- day society by exposing trends and tendencies towards totalitarian control. Science fiction fantasy -> creates plot on. -> focus on magic. imagenary technology & supernatural elements ->believable future -> clear distinction between development good evil Extrapolation of elements of 20th century -> burning of books (Nazi Germany) atomic bomb (Hiroshima) Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit usa → 461 degrees Fahrenheit: tempreture at which paper starts to burn -> society marked by entertainment, speed, restlessness and superficiality: extremly fast driving, multi-screen television at high volume with very shallow programmes, constant exposure to sound. and advertising (individually by wearing of ear-plugs or collectively by loudspeaker announcements). →books are forbidden →the firemen's job is to burn books - rise of television and audio media -> effect on reading. → speeding up in all areas of life: transport, communication, work, production, consumption → dominance of entertainment → dedine of education

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