


Englisch Referat, Donald Trump







Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
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,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most
Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
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,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most
Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
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,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most
Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
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,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most
Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most

13.04.2020 Donald Trump Ausformuliertes Referat Bild von Trump hinlegen ,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most famous quotes. Today I'm going to explain to you if he really does what he promises but first I'm going to tell you something about himself. Donald Trump was born on the 14th of July 1946 which makes him 73 years old today. He is father of 5 children and is married to Melania Trump since 2005 which is his third wife. He was CEO of a company called "Trump organization" for 46 years. After that Trump became President of the United States of America in 2017.He competed against Hillary Clinton and obviously won. (Diagram mit Wahlergebnisse hinlegen) https://images.app.goo.gl/3ke9nQ7oHQWsDouFA As you can see it isn't clear that trump won. Only 46,1 percent voted for trump and 48,2 percent voted for Hillary. Now the big question is why he became president even if he had less votings than Hillary. That's because of the Voting system in America that exists since 1787. It says that the votes go to vote-men called electors of every state who vote the future president for the citizen and eventually they wanted trump to become president of the USA. Now you know how Donald Trump became president but I'm sure you also want to know what he promised...

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the citizens to become president. The most famous action he wants to do is to build a wall at the border of Mexico to prevent illegal immigration by the Latinos. He even wants Mexico to pay for the wall. Another thing is that he wants to cancel the "Obama health care". Obama said that he wanted no one to die just because they don't have enough money to pay for their health care so he invented the Obama health care where everyone was able to see a doctor. This has already been implemented (umgesetzt). Instead of doing something against the climate change he wants to promote the production of domestic oil which means heimisches Öl in German .He doesn't even believe that the climate change exists. He also wants no gun control law which means everyone is allowed to carry a gun in the USA. Of course he also has a few more things he wants to change but these are some of the most important vote promises I think. Now we are going to talk about the things he already did in his almost 3 years of candidature. Over all he didn't reach much of his plans yet. For him it's always America first. Experts say he would have reached a lot more if he worked together with his Ally (Verbündete). He broke the trust to different people many times, for example when he told someone to murder the Iranian general the situation almost 11.04.2020 Skript, Donald Trump Referat 1.Short introduction of Donald Trump Born on the 14th of July 1946 (73 years old) - Father of five children - Married to Melania Trump since 2005 -Was CEO of a company called "Trump Organization" for 46 years - Became President of the USA in 2017 and competed against Hillary Clinton 2.How Trump became president and the vote results Only 46,1 percent voted for Trump and 48,2 percent for Hillary Clinton but nevertheless he became president with less votings because of the American Voting-system where vote men (electors) of every state vote for the citizens. The voting system exists since 1787. 3.Trumps election Promises - Build a wall at the border of Mexico to prevent illegal immigration - Cancel the Obama Health Care where everyone was able to afford see a doctor - Doesn't want to do anything against the climate change but wants to promote the domestic (heimisch) oil production - No gun control law 4.What he already reached He didn't reach many of his plans yet but experts say he would have if he worked together with his Ally (Verbündete). He broke the trust to different people for example when he forced someone to murder the Iranian general what almost escalated. 5.What he does against the Corona Virus At first he told everyone the virus was fake and when he finally recognized it was real he had huge accusations (Vorwürfe) against Obama and China. America has the most affected people and also death rate. Around 735 287 people are infected and 39 090 already died. The people in America are in quarantine as well and it slowly gets better. HTTPS://IMAGES.APP.GOO.GL/QT8821KGWS51TML78 Stimmenanteile 60% 50% Ergebnis der US-Wahl im Jahr 2016 nach Anteil der Wählerstimmen 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Quelle CNN © Statista 2018 46,1% Donald Trump O Weitere Informationen: USA; 08. November 2016; ab 18 Jahre; US-Bürger 9 □ 48,2% Hillary Clinton Deutschland Italien 35 Spanien Großbritannien China USA Weltweit Infizierte 143.724 175.925 194.416 115.317 83.804 735.287 2.341.066 Todesfälle 4.538 23.227 20.639 15.498 4.636 39.090 161.324 USA-ITALIEN-WELT-CHINA-SPANIEN-AKTUELL-ZR-13600954.HTML Genesene 88.000 44.927 74.797 414 77.647 66.819 HTTPS://WWW.MERKUR.DE/WELT/CORONAVIRUS-DEUTSCHLAND-ZAHLEN-FAELLE-INFIZIERTE-NEWS-TOTE- 599.979 escalated. A also really interesting point is what he does against the current situation with Corona. At the beginning of the crisis he told everyone that it's fake. When he finally recognized that there actually is a virus he had huge accusations which means Vorwürfe at first against Obama and after that against China. America has the most infected people and also death rate. (Schaubild 3 zeigen: Infizierte weltweit) The people in America are also in Quarantine and it slowly gets better. Over all you can say trump hasn't been that good of a president in the past but I hope you could build your own opinion during my presentation. Are there any questions?