


Great barrier reef







Great Barrier Reef
More than 2000 km long
1500 fish species, 200 bird species and 400 coral species
It is the only living thing you can see

Great Barrier Reef More than 2000 km long 1500 fish species, 200 bird species and 400 coral species It is the only living thing you can see from space about 1000 islands are in the area of it about 2 million visitors. EVERY YEAR! you can go for diving or visit one of the observatories Great Barrier Reef is in danger! BEFORE you could also live more climate friendly as it is one of the main reason of it dying other reasons of it dying are: 1980 2015 overfishing plastic waste ships cities on the coast it will have almost died by 2050 what you can do: you could donate to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation they save endangered species, restore precious ecosystems, build resilience in the ecosystems and make their innovations come true. AFTER 2050 CATLIN SEAVIEW SURVEY GRAVE BARRIER REEF

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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

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