


"I have a Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr.







"I have a dream" by Martin Luther King Jr."
number I
I 2-3: he makes clear that he demonstrates for freedom.
IL 4-13: Martin Luther

"I have a dream" by Martin Luther King Jr." Englisch number I I 2-3: he makes clear that he demonstrates for freedom. IL 4-13: Martin Luther King Jr. mentions the hope of black people that has already been promised the last years but has not been realized yet. 14-21: he refers to the declaration of independence and points out that the blacks are still discriminated and segregated at present time. 22-29: he informs about what has to be done and what has to be avoided to change something I 30-50: Martin Luther King Jr. really wants to change life for those who aren't really accepted and makes sure everybody feels addressed 151-75: he emphasizes that hope and faith are very important to achieve the aim of equality for everybody and to be united number 2 Anaphora: "one year later" (IIIff) = emphasizes the enormous length of time that has passed without a sign of change. "now is the time to" (1143-48) = urgency "I have a dream" (173,76,87) provides structure to the speech, highlights the most important aspects and emphasizes his emotions and makes it seem more sincere/personal Metaphor "seared in the flames of withering injustice" (18f.) = underlines the heat, pain and suffering "joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity" (19f.) = daybreak emphasizes the joy of a new...

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day, meanwhile the darkness of the night is perceived as something malign "manacles of segregation" & "chains of discrimination (14f) = feeling of capture/lostness in divide. "exile in his own land" (1. 18f) = example for the way people felt foreign in their country. "we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt" (134f.) there is still hope for justice, peace. "we've come to cash this check" (137) = they have come to claim their rights and freedom. "riches of freedom" (1.38) freedom has the biggest worth "table of brotherhood" (178f) - illustrates his wish for a united population, depicts intimacy and simplicity of his vision "heat of injustice heat of oppression.oasis of freedom" (181-83) = contrast between reality and his dream, oasis = paradise = utopian future. Pronouns: "we" (21) & "they" (24) = inclusive pronouns make the audience feel adressed Unitu "all of god's children" (149) & "brothers" (157) = no exceptions, he adresses everyone. Rhetorical question: "when will you be satisfied?" (167) = underlines his motivation and his goal to end police brutality Legende zu nummer 2 -Anaphora Metaphor -Pronouns 1.11 02.09.2021 connotated words rhetorical question