


Kamala Harris Vortrag







Who is Kamala Harris?
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's running mate
and the first woman of color on a major
party Ticket is 55 years
Who is Kamala Harris?
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's running mate
and the first woman of color on a major
party Ticket is 55 years

Kamala Harris Who is Kamala Harris? Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's running mate and the first woman of color on a major party Ticket is 55 years old, she was born in Oakland, Calif. but lives now in San Francisco and Washington. Democrat Ms. Harris was elected 2016 to senate representing California and is now the right hand of Joe Biden, being the 49th Vice President of the United States. Harris is the daughter of an Indian mother and Jamaican father and is the second Black woman and first South Asian American senator in history. She graduated from Howard University and the university of California, Hastings college of law. What points does she got? Women's rights One of the biggest points of Kamala Harris are women's rights. She proposed providing all workers with six months paid family leave for personal or medical issues, including those related to domestic violence. During the Democratic primary, Ms Harris supported highly contentious taxpayer-funded abortions, arguing they would save the lives of lower-income women. Vice President Kamala Harris also suggested during her campaign that large companies should be required to be "equal pay certified" to close the gender pay gap, or face fines. shethepeople NEWS What I want young women and girls to know is that you are powerful and your voice matters. Immigration Like all of the other Democratic 2020 contenders, Ms Harris, the child of immigrants herself, pledged to offer a path to citizenship to...

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the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the US. she supported decriminalising border crossings by undocumented immigrants and providing taxpayer-funded healthcare for those crossing the US border without papers. Kamala Devi Harris was heavily influenced by her grandfather, a high- ranking government official who fought for Indian independence, and grandmother, an activist who traveled the countryside teaching impoverished women about birth control. Gun Control F During her White House bid, Ms Harris promised to use executive action to enact stricter gun control if she became president. Kamala Harris supported more regulation of gun manufacturers, mandatory background checks, tightening loopholes and a ban on assault weapons, like most Democrats do. SIDE FACTS Her friendship with Barack Obama dates back to his run for Senate in 2004. She was the first notable California officeholder to endorse him during his 2008 presidential bid. Harris' parents divorced when she was 7, and her mother raised her and her sister, Maya, on the top floor of a yellow duplex in Berkeley.