









Artifical Intelligence
→→Simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their?
Artifical Intelligence
→→Simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their?
Artifical Intelligence
→→Simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their?

Artifical Intelligence acions →→Simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their? -are able to do jobs human are unable to do -efficent, always availible -Reduction of human error - Maschines are there to help us to model our living system but not to replace them It's the person who designs the maschine, which means that the person is intelligent and not the maschine itself - will take a lot of time and isn't that realistic - advances in science and medicine panics -can intervence in critical situations where a person -occupation of jobs-better and faster work - objective, rational L> no emotional barriers - necessary for further development of society make human life easier / comfortable-increase productivity - every new invention will have advantages and disad- vantages, but we need to care of that and use the positive sides of the invention to create a better world L> make sure that the rise of robots doesn't get out of hand Utopia idealistic vision of the future -imaginary place /society considered to be perfect -no poverty, peace, equality -seems unrealistic →self-driving cars →Driveless cars should save the passengers Ⓒ -no feelings.no emotions, no social skills - could be hacked, manipulated - who would be responsible if something were to go wrong. - new lawslethics must be created - makes people lazy -high costs of creation/production speacial needs - possibility of overtaking mankind of the human brain computer...

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processing speed will overtake thats - robots replace human jobs-unemployement istake job opportunities away for those in need of money -Cars are made to protect their passengers -safe system if people don't follow rules - driver is not responsible Dystopia: pessimistic futuristic vision of a -no human errors-less accidents - Coast a lot -machines do not get tired-human get tired-accident - loss of privacy everything will be tracked -robots are able to constantly focus - loss of jobs: taxi/truck drivers -multitasking while in the car ficional society that has degraded into a repressive/authoritarian state -suppression, poverty, violence, totalitarism, war -overpopulation - ethical problem: safety of driver or others? - In case of an accident whose fault is it? - System might not work careful enough f. ex.: no road marking - system could have mistakes - Car could make mistakes - Utilitarism: protect more people GM-Food (Genetically modified food) → produced by genetically modified plants -makes plants resistent against diseases, insects -land can be used more efficiently L> grow more crops on less land -income can be increased, costs reduced - helps world hunger - necessary to adapt to the process of climate change -crops are grown for new uses-insulin - plants are checked to make sure they are developing normally and are safe - can be modified to be more nutritioned and grow everywhere also on dry / salty places - there would be less pesticides (Schädlingsbe- kampfung) needed in agriculture (vergiftet) less ground water and animals will be poisoned -increase food production->increase population - tastier and nutritious food Genetic engineering →direct manipulation of genes - helps to prevent genetic/inherited diseases - every child can born healthy - human species can become stronger/survive longer - better chance to succed in life -the antibiotic-resistant crops make us antibio- tic-resistant too making us vulnerable to certain diseases - displace natural plants →→damage biological diversity - unnatural process -industry puts profit over people's health -competition-farms that don't use genetic engineering are at a disadvantage -genetic pool is limited - could cause the development of new diseases - is not tested long enough to prove that there are no harmful side effects -Genetic engineering allows humans to posses high power over things that should be left to nature playing God -more chemicals are needed -vermin might become resistant and adapt - might have long-term effects on human health or environment - seeds have to be bought from multi- national biotech companies farmers would be dependet on a few companies can dedicate the prices -extintion of traditional farmers is they can't afford/compete against huge businesses - interferes in nature unnatural · designer babies could be created limitation of diversity -human gene pool will be damaged - could fit into the society's expectation regarding the look-unwanted side effects -parents could customise the look of their kid -Playing god -manipulates natural product Where do we draw the line which shouldn't accross -less individuality - expensive → only rich people can afford it what about people who cannot afford this process -Looks should not be important in this society it's the diversity which make this society Surveillance →watching of a person/place especially by the police, because of a crime that has happened -reduces fear of crime provides a feeling of safety -footage helps to solve cases - cameras can detect accidents - CCTV system can alert the police. > they don't need any eye witnesses is better quality than an eye witness' memory -may be used as evidence in court to prove someone's innocence - often data is simply collected but not looked at -less privacy - leads to a shift of crime hotspots criminals will move to unsurveilled location -high coast for equiqment, Installation, data storage -being watched without knowing -a suspicion is enough to be trapped