


Kommunikationsprüfung Englisch - science and technology, gender issues







Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g
Designer babies-reproductive technology
-process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? -
PGD: (pre-implantation g

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Designer babies-reproductive technology -process of genetic selection + PGD for a higher IQ? - PGD: (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) several embryos from IVF(in vitro fertilization) extracting cells of the embryo at a very early stage analyze the genomes related to specific traits /genetic diseases choosing the "best" embryo remaining ones are eliminated correlation between code in genomes and traits like eg. IQ complex traits →→ link to individual genes become invisible relation Statistical a lot of unpredictability in brain wiring regaroling example of high IQ through PGD 50% of intelligence is due to the environment not determined by genetics → useful to spot extreme low IQ, but not to determine which embryo will be smartest -PGD for medical purposes- parents with hereditary screens→ can take offer of PGD → children particularly exposed to the risk embryo screening for genetic diseases healthy embryos chosen -PGD with a cosmetic approach- designer babies" using PGD to choose the child's outer appearance characterizing eye colour, Skin colour, hair colour creating "perfect & beautiful" child Pro-PGD & Designer babies The diagram below explains how a procedure known as embryo screening or PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) works Egg donor is given fertility drugs 4. Multiple eggs are produced Eggs are fertilized to produce embryos 6. nnealthy babies and their families suffer incredibly - les Only healthy embryos are injected into uterus not very accurate technology saviour sibling - sick children with rare...

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etic conditions in need of a perfect match bone arrow donor→ often missing to survive employing PGD to birth a sibling who is a perfect bone morrow match → saviour sibling not a 100% success rate also critically called "spare part sibling" Embryos analyzed for gentic defects Mother gives birth to genetically healthy baby the possibility 1. Parents with hereditary diseases are given to have healthy children → PGD ensures that the baby is free from genetic abnormalities and does not suffer → protection from genetic diseases + suffering 2. PGD offers the ability to choose embryos that will be perfect match bone marrow donors for sick siblings saviour siblings 3. PGD is cheaper than having unhealthy citizens avoiding expensive treatments for disabled children e.g.→ financial aspect Parents are able to give their children the best in life by choosing the best genetic makeup, still same person just better version intelligence, beauty, health → choosing best genetic makeup 5. In the future: PGD might help to eradicate genes that are responsible for hatred, aggression etc.→"positive eugenics" beforehand give parents the choice whether they can manage having a choice 7. PGD can speed up evolutionary processes in positive ways, use the means to move forward as society → progressing to become more efficient Contra- PGD & Designer babies 1. Selecting the genetic makeup could lead to eugenics/ the pursuit of a master race, determining a person's worth (Hitler) → pursuit of a master race chasm 2. Selecting genetic makeup will lead to two-class sodety + broaden the gap between rich & poor divided society 3 4. conceiving a child is a gift hence mankind should not interfere with these natural processes hubris + playing god saviour siblings →→ psychological impact and burden unbearable, they might not turn out to be the desired perfect donor not able to save their sibling psychological issues 5. it is morally reprehensible to give birth to a child solely for the purpose of saving another dehumanizing + objectifying 6. having a baby should not be goal-driven → children are not their parents commodity → dehumanizing + "baby manufacturing" 7. the success rate of PGD is not a 100x, child is burdened knowing it might 8. Parents should always love their children unconditionally regardless of now "berfect" they are love becomes conditional 9. coping with diseases important + teaches tolerance learning to overcome + cope with differences Ethical questions - Designer babies conform to the parent's wishes burden 10. one cannot determine which life is worth living and which is not →→ PGD does this → no determination whether a life is worth living possible discussion discriminatory towaras disabled f.e. 1. Do only healthy bables deserve to be born? IS ethically acceptable to conceive a chil for the sole purpose of saving another? 3. Is it ethical to decide to keep a baby, knowing it will only suffer? 4. where does one draw the line of PGO? -medical, cosmetic, ellminating all oliseases? 5. where does one draw the line regarding improving the specie? when do eugenics or social darwinism apply? 6. can one decide whether the life of people with a disability is less valuable /worth living? CRISPR-CAS not conforming PGD + CRISPR-CAS require regulations + policies ! CRISPR/CAS also called molecular or genetic scissorprecise Instrument to accurately modify + edit the genes at a specific section of a genome 3 step process invented by 2 female scientists • cut off DNA sections can be more easily examined function • used to modify plants → more durable to droughts e.g (GM-food) • helps to find new cancer therapies + healing hereditary diseases • not considered ethically acceptable regarding modifying human's genetic makeup Genetic Modification Genetic modification in agriculture Genetic engineering process where the genetic using biotechnology techniques → example Involves direct manipulation of an organism's genes or moving specific organism to another techniques as gene cloning, gene transfer / (gene splicing) makeup of an organism modified / altered CRISPR-CAS "genetic scissor" 11 goal introducing new / modified genetic material into an organism (in order) to produce a desired trait or characteristic → variety of reasons crop improvement, disease treatment... Gene Pharming term "pharming derives from a combination of the words "farming" as in agriculture and "pharmaceuticals" type of biotechnology involves modifications of the genetic makeup of plants/animals for the production of pharmaceuticals →>> such as vaccines or even insulin up to the 1980s Pro/advantage/ benefit / chance goal: developing a more cost-effective & efficient way of producing pharmaceuticals whilst also reducing harmful effects to the environment caused by traditional production methods. 1. Increased efficiency: Potential to increase the efficieny of pharmaceutical production allows mass production of pharmaceuticals using plants & animals as production platforms genes from one 2. Cost-effectiveness may be more cost-effective than traditional pharmaceutical production methods since less expensive equipment & facilities are needed. + lower production costs are associated with plants in particular 3. Environmental benefits less of an environmental impact than traditional production processes reduces use of hazardous chemicals and (generation) of waste 4. Increased accessibility health Increases accessibility of pharmaceuticals particularly in oleveloping countries Requced cost of production allows easier & cheaper distribution diminishes health risks in developing countries →higher life expectancy 5. Improved drug stability pharmaceuticals suffer from degradation during traditional production methools harmful byproducts develop during the process that lead to a diminished efficiency → when produced using gene pharming → pharmaceuticals wouldn't be subject to degradation 5 pharmaceuticals become more stable efficient 6. Customization allows production of specific proteins / compounds on de mand offers opportunity of personalized medicine / rare / specialized drugs Particularly helpful for rare diseases Contra-risks disadvantages, drawbacks, concerns 1. Health risks / safety concerns unintended effects on the organism's growth, development & interaction with the environment →e.g. destroying natural bio-/ ecosystems 2. Environmental impacts / spreading cross-pollination could lead to the spread of genetically modified genes to other plants "regular" plants with pharmaceutical impact incredible health risk destroying / interfering natural bio -& ecosystems effects on animals as well 3. Intellectual property / Monetization big pharmaceutical corporations I would seek to patent the production methods. acessibility would still be limited →profit being main concern 4. Regulations Gene pharming complex + rapially evolving fied → challenges in developing regulatory & legal framework → adequately addressing risk & benefits 5. Animal welfare unknown long-term effects → unintended side effects mistreatment (instrumentalizing animals) GM food GM food contains / has been produced by genetically modified plants, animals & microorganisms GM plants for food Pro: 1. Plentiful & healthy crops ending world hunger reliable harvest plants can be modified more resistant against droughts, pest → optimized crop → use of water & pesticides is reduced → ability to grow more crops on less land → particularly promising for developing/ third world countries water as a rare resource, leading to unfertile soil & droughts & reaction to growing world population / (over population) potentially a solution to endl Starvation & mai nourishment crops can also be modified to be of more nutritional value fighting mainourishment 2. Introducing vaccines →→ GENE PHARMING GM food can genetically introduce vaccines → easy + cost-effective way to prevent life-threatening diseases → especially promising for third-world crops increasing public health higher life expectancy 3. Necessary to adapt to climate change rapid climatic + environmental changes due to climate change- → evolution is a tedious + lengthy process →GM of crops is hence necessary cannot adapt fastly enough to changes 4. Essentiell for agricultural sector last 3 years →→ 40% of harvest was genetically modified agricultural sector & farmers are dependant on genetic modification con: 1. threat to environment genetically modified plants could became ordinary plants on long-term these super weeds could replace /repress ordinary plants → incredibly damagig to biodiversity & ecosystems once a gene is altered it will remain modified for all future generations limited gene pools So-called "super weeds" more dominant+ resistan than 2. Food/power monopoly Plant breeding would be concentrated to a very limited amount of food + power monopoly corporations →→ control of harvest Silmultaneously posing a threat to small + traditional farmers in many indigenous cultures → agriculture pases cultural & religious values → deep & strong connection & identification with nature 3. focus on profit & health concerns Profit being the main point of interest for most corporations consumer safety & other potential negative effects on e.g. environment are disregarded GM food not tested long enough some suspect genetic effects / new diseases /(biological weapons) potential longterm side effects / health risks 4. Hubris / interference with nature. many consider genetic modification to be an interference with nature's way hubris playing god GM animals with bonus features Pro 1. more nutritious meat, milk, eggs modified to be of higher nutrional valve 2. Environmental advantages less pollution → industrial livestock farming / intensive animal farming enormous impact on climate -harming (Massentierhaltung) emissions eradicate / at least reduce emissions from livestock farming → consumption becomes more ethical 3. Saving endlangered species many species can't adapt as rapid as environment & climate changes many species going extinct using genetic modification to protect them from going extinct 4. Cost-efficiency GM method less costly + precise & easy 5. efficient medication Protein-based drug→ genetic modification standard procedure animal cells can produce more efficient pharmaceuticals than bacteria eradicate diseases & finding efficient treatment for e.g. cancer con: 1. Side- & long-term effects not tested long enough health risks 2. hubris 3. animal well fare bad conditions (objectifying animals → unethical) (argument if one supports veganism/ 4. less genetic diversity 5. monopoly particularly antibodies more detailed in cons - GM plants Artificial Intelligence + Robotics Pro-Al ^. higher efficiency, higher production rates, lower costs, always avaiable economic growth + efficiency 2. less danger for humans/more safety dangerous workplaces + reduction of human error 3. more convenient life sparing time + offering flexibility 4. especially helpful in medicine + caregive sector 5. no emotional barrier rational decisions 6. future companions social / emotional support Contra-Al 1. increasing the gap between rich+ poor question of accessibility division, chasm 2. data 3. replacing workers in certain sectors unemployment 4. total dependence on AI→> dependence 5. liable to trivial enors (eg self driving cars) technical errors → invasion of acy, surveillance, social manipulation, spreading propaganda → data. ety + manipulation 6. expensive in maintenance high costs 7. cannot handle unexpected situations limited to expected situations common human fears / perception of human species Al will use alate to enslave + exploit humans→→ Al doesn't have free will loss of control, not being superior anymore being in the same role as we treat other species → hubris not being able to distinguish humans + robots → cyborgs / transhumanism fearing our own intentions responsibility on earth yearning for immortality going beyond the laws of nature constant desire for progress/ growth → overcoming human limitations of body → transhumanism) Ethical questions 1. who should hold the power of Al and be responsible for it? As well as potential negative outcomes 2. IS Al capable to make moral decisions ? 3. Are we allowed to alter the biological composure of humans? 4. In now far does AI affect our Privacy? 5. which laws/morals should Al abide by ? 6. How much rights should Al robots have? 7. Should Al be accessible for everyone & what will the indicators for efficiency be? different positions Digital Utopians -digital life natural + desirable - trying to stop it → delay digitalife/ military takeover of Al Techno- skeptics - not worried about Al -Al not powerful enough to be a threat to humans Beneficial-Al Movement - Al must be directed to be beneficial - AI could destroy humans, but also make them flourish choices of today crucial for future feeling of incompleteness Media social media chances - Pro 1. safe space to find like-minded people especially for minorities (autistic community, LGBTQ+, niche interests) feeling of belonging 2. expressing one's feelings + socialising protected by anonymity 3. issues that are associated with social stigma (f.e. mental health) → might face less sceptism on social media establishing solidarity 4. representation (minorities), diversity → body positive content risks contra 1. grave effects on mental health → depression, anxiety," Self-harm, Suicide 2. constant sensory overload → comparing oneself to abunde of people online → self-esteem issues 3. addiction (sensory overload + dopamin addiction) - → pressure to be constantly online available FOMO missing out on real life + anxiety + Sleep deprivation + emotional blunting 4. cyber bullying due to anonymity no supervision, policing, repercussions 5. body dysmorphia + issues with one's body image → unattainable + arbitrary beauty standards insecurity 6. Mature content → not appropriate for kids / teenagers heavily sexvalised content → social media as "soft-core porn" + emotional blunting 7. filter bubbles → algorithms suggest only personalised content → doesn't represent pluralist + diverse opinions of the broad public losing touch to reality → being more prone to extremis + radicalization 8 fake news + propaganda Tracking apps + surveillance chance- advantage-benefit - pro 1. preventing crimes surveillance + national security → terrorism 2. sense of safety → especially for women→ tracking their location + cameras monitoring dark street f.e. 3. optimizing traffic through traffic surveillance evidence for accidents simplifying persecution process 4. public health. health fitness trackers 5. detecting organized Crime + corruption of state officials 6. Optimizing effective emergency response detecting signs of e.g. cardiac infarctions at an early stage 7. employee monitoring →>> effective work risks-disadvantage - drawback - contra 1. privacy violations /infringement data. abuse by government / third parties 2. false accusations due to modified evidence 3. lack of transparency → data storage etc. 4. lack of accountability data breaches, leaks etc. 5. biased technology criminalizing marginalized people e.g. POC 7. identity theft 6. dependence on these technologies → traditional methods not important 8. limited effectiveness high in cost → State Surveillance everyone is under suspicion not acceptable in democratic countries relationsship between state + citizens permanently altered → state can rule arbitrarily (presumption of innocence violated) MA | English LK | Q3 Science and Technology - Vocabulary (un)detectable a question of ethics advances (in neuroscience) allegorical allegory approved for clinical use. artificial intelligence authoritarian state be of therapeutic use biotechnology breakthrough burden clinical trial cloning condition controversial crucial to (our salvation) designer baby disease-resistant donor doom dystopia/dystopian efficient embryonic stem cell ethical concern exploration fertile fertility for the common good futuristic gene gene pharming genetic disorder genetic disorder genetics (nicht) nachweisbar eine Frage der Moral Fortschritte (in den Neurowissenschaften) sinnbildlich Sinnbild für den klinischen Einsatz zugelassen künstliche Intelligenz autoritärer Staat von therapeutischem Nutzen Biotechnologie Durchbruch Belastung klinischer Versuch Klonen Zustand, Leiden, Krankheit umstritten, kontrovers entscheidend für (unsere Rettung) resistent gegen Krankheiten Spender/in Untergang, Verderben Dystopie, dystopisch effizient, wirksam embryonale Stammzelle ethische Bedenken Entdeckung fruchtbar Fruchtbarkeit für das Gemeinwohl futuristisch Gen pharmazeutische Entwicklung und Landwirtschaft Erbkrankheit Erbkrankheit, genetische Störung Genetik, Erbanlagen genome GM food herbicide resistant ideal society in favour of in vitro fertilization (IVF) insect-resistant invention inventor laboratory manufacturing morally acceptable natal nightmare, nightmarish offspring oppression of people pediatric pharma crops progress in (artificial intelligence) progressive reproductive technology research researcher robot robotics sample saviour sibling scientific (research) scientific discovery scientific endeavour scientist social egg freezing suitability surveillance to address sth. to alter sth. to alter sth. Genom, Erbgut gentechnisch verändertes Lebensmittel resistent gegen Unkrautvernichtungsmittel ideale Gesellschaft zugunsten künstliche Befruchtung resistent gegen Schädlingsbefall Erfindung Erfinder Labor Herstellung, Produktion unter moralischen Gesichtspunkten vertretbar Geburts- Albtraum; albtraumartig, beklemmend Nachwuchs Unterdrückung von Menschen kinderärztlich Ernteerträge aus Pharming Fortschritt in fortschrittlich Fortpflanzungstechnologie Forschung Forscher Roboter Robotertechnik Muster, Probe Rettergeschwister wissenschaftlich wissenschaftliche Entdeckung wissenschaftliches Unterfangen, Bestreben Wissenschaftler unbefruchtete Eizellen einfrieren Eignung, Tauglichkeit Überwachung etwas thematisieren etwas verändern verändern to apply responsibly to be appalled by sth. to be aware of the ethical dilemmas to be doomed to carry out an operation to combat (future pandemics) to cross species to cure chronic diseases to decode sth. to detect sth. to donate sth. to employ means to encourage discussion to envision to explore to implant sth. into to incorporate to insert a foreign gene to insert sth. Into to invent sth. to manipulate to map sth. to modify sth. genetically to play a decisive role to raise ethical questions to screen sb. for a disease to strive to do sth. to surveil totalitarian state transgenic transplant treatment utopia/utopian viable visionary widely criticized verantwortungsbewusst anwenden über etwas entsetzt sein sich der ethischen Dilemmata bewusst zu sein. verloren sein einen operativen Eingriff durchführen (zukünftige Pandemien) bekämpfen Arten kreuzen chronische Krankheiten heilen dekodieren, entschlüsseln nachweisen, feststellen, aufspüren etw. spenden Mittel/Techniken verwenden Diskussion anregen etwas ausmalen, vergegenwärtigen entdecken. einsetzen, einschleusen etw. aufnehmen; sich etw. einverleiben. ein fremdes Gen einfügen etwas einfügen etwas erfinden manipulieren etwas erfassen etwas genetisch modifizieren/verändern eine entscheidende Rolle spielen ethische Fragen aufwerfen jdn. Auf eine Krankheit untersuchen sich bemühen etwas zu tun überwachen totalitärer Staat transgen, mit eingeschleusten Genen Transplantation Behandlung Utopie, utopisch machbar, durchführbar visionär heftig kritisiert 4 Ablauf der Prüfung Vorbereitungsphase (10 Minuten) Die Schülerinnen und Schüler erhalten das Material für den jeweiligen monologischen Prüfungsteil und den ge- meinsamen dialogischen Prüfungsteil zur individuellen Vorbereitung. erhalten ein ein- und ein zweisprachiges Wörterbuch. dürfen Notizen zur Verwendung in der Prüfung anfertigen. ● ● Prüfungsphase (Zweiergruppe: 10 Minuten im GK, 12 Minuten im LK, inklusive Aufwärmphase; Drei- ergruppe: Prüfungszeit entsprechend angepassen) Aufwärmphase ● ● Monologischer Prüfungsteil Die Dauer beträgt circa 2 Minuten pro Schülerin oder Schüler im GK und circa 2,5 Minuten im LK. ● ● ● Die Dauer beträgt circa 1 Minute pro Schülerin oder Schüler. Diese Phase wird nicht benotet, ist nicht zwingend erforderlich, kann aber dem Einfinden in die jeweilige Fremdsprache (Warm-up) dienen. Inhalt ist eine Unterhaltung zwischen den Schülerinnen und Schülern und den Prüferinnen und Prüfern über alltägliche Fragen wie zum Beispiel Freizeit, Schule, Alltag, Reise oder persönliche Vorlieben. ● Dialogischer Prüfungsteil Die Dauer beträgt circa 2 Minuten pro Schülerin oder Schüler im GK und circa 2,5 Minuten im LK. Schülerin oder Schüler A und Schülerin oder Schüler B führen ein Gespräch oder eine Diskussion. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie die Prüferinnen und Prüfer achten auf eine quantitative Ausgewogenheit der Redeanteile im Rahmen des Dialogs. ● Schülerin oder Schüler A hält einen Kurzvortrag (GK: 1,5 Min., LK: 2 Min.). Schülerin oder Schüler B erhält im Anschluss die Gelegenheit sich spontan für 30 Sekunden ergänzend und stellungnehmend zum Vortrag zu äußern. Schülerin oder Schüler B hält einen Kurzvortrag (GK: 1,5 Min., LK: 2 Min.). Schülerin oder Schüler A erhält im Anschluss die Gelegenheit sich spontan für 30 Sekunden ergänzend und stellungnehmend zum Vortrag zu äußern. ● Q1.3 Q2.1 Q2.2 Q2.3 Q3.1 Q3.2 ● PRO: ● being generally open to immigrants of any nationality, provided they contribute positively to the country different concepts of how to integrate immigrants: O the melting pot image: people are "melted together", i.e., they are expected ● to give up their original culture and identity and are" transformed" into a homogeneous "American culture" O the salad bowl image: national, ethnic and cultural patterns/habits are kept distinct by the immigrant while they are loosely integrated into the "American culture CON: • manifestation of individualism → science and technology Great Britain- past and present: the character of a nation artificial intelligence (Al) ethnic diversity = the ability of a machine to perform tasks thought to require human intelligence ● mimics the problem solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind machine learning ● the English-speaking world human dilemmas in fiction and real life modelling the future overcoming risky limitations humans; more safety for humans • higher efficiency, higher production rates, lower costs → economic growth ● simplifying private life: help for disabled/ elderly people: independency reduction in "human errors": decision-making-process: based upon an algorithm → no emotions (?) medicine: patient care + research; control and monitor medical equipment; detection of diseases increasing the gap between rich + poor question of accessibility data saving safety: invasion of privacy, surveillance, social manipulation, propaganda ● replacing workers in certain sectors → unemployment (may create new?) ● misaligned goals with ours: machines turning competent power abuse of hackers/ evil minded programmers to dependent ● common human fears/ perception of human species ● Al will use data to enslave us + exploit humans loss of control, not being superior anymore (being in the same role as we treat other species) ● ● ● ● yearning for immortality: going beyond the laws of nature constant desire for progress/ growth overcoming human limitations of body → transhumanism genetic engineering ● = direct manipulation of genes with an organism DNA is added or removed → modified to bring about a great deal of transformation ● liable to trivial errors censorship through Al (e.g. China), risk for people in totalitarian state ● process to alter the structure and nature of genes in human beings, animals or food CRIPSPR/Cas-(System): gene-editing technology/ tool that can be harnessed to modify, delete or correct precise regions of our DNA goal: introducing new/modified genetic material into an organism (in order) to produce a desired trait or characteristic variety of reasons: crop improvement, disease treatment... not being able to distinguish human + robots fearing our own intentions gene pharming PRO: = term "pharming" derives from a combination of the words "farming" as in agriculture and "pharmaceuticals" type of biotechnology involves modifications of the genetic makeup plants/ animals to produce pharmaceuticals, such as vaccines or even insulin up to the 1980s goal: developing a more cost-efficient way of producing pharmaceutical products whilst also reducing harmful effects to the end environment caused by traditional production methods ● ● increased efficiency: ● cost-effectiveness ● environmental benefits ● increased accessibility → health ● improved drug stability customization CON: ● health risks/ safety concerns ● environmental impacts/ spreading ● intellectual property/ monetization regulations ● animal welfare GM food = genetically modified food that is made to either grow easier (or more resistant to weather extremes, maybe where farming is nearly impossible) or be more nourishing PRO: use of water + pesticides is reduced, less land is needed → particularly promising for developing/ third world countries: water as a rare source, leading to unfertile soil + droughts potentially a solution to end starvation & malnourishment; crops can be modified to be of more nutritional value fighting malnourishment • introducing vaccines: GM food can genetically introduce vaccines → easy + cost- effective way to prevent life-threatening diseases; especially promising for third-world crops → increasing public health + higher life expectancy ● ● ● CON: → media social media PRO: Necessary to adapt to climate change: rapid climatic + environmental changes due to climate change: evolution is a tedious + lengthy process cannot adapt fastly enough to changes therefore GM of crops is hence necessary Essential for agricultural sector: last 3 years-: 40% of harvest was genetically modified → agricutural sector & farmers are dependent on genetic modification ● safe space to find like-minded people; especially for minorities (autistic community, LGBTQ+, niche interests) → feeling of belonging ● expressing one's feelings + socialising protected by anonymity issues that are associated with social stigma (f.e. mental health) → might face less sceptism on social media → establishing solidarity, seeking/offering emotional support representation (minorities), diversity → body positive content ● easier and instant communication: staying in touch, meeting new people Join or promote worthwhile causes; raise awareness on important issue (e.g. war in Ukraine, BLM); however: ("slacktivism") → encourages civic and political responsibility reinforcing creativity: self-expression learning/educational purpose: informal online setting can effectively be used to convey information ● ● entertainment CON: ● grave effects on mental health (depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicide) constant sensory overload: comparing oneself to abunde of people online → self- esteem issues (only good sides of life are shown) ● ● ● ● ● ● Q3.3 ● →gender advertisement Gender-based marketing means that you divide your target groups into men and women, then craft your messages based on assumptions about male and female consumers PRO: Although advertisers might believe that consumers are still more receptive to products that are tailored to their gender, these assumptions are not true anymore. addiction (sensory overload + dopamine addiction) → pressure to be constantly online + available FOMO → missing out on real life + anxiety + sleep deprivation + emotional blunting cyber bullying due to anonymity → no supervision, policing, repercussions body dysmorphia due to unattainable + arbitrary beauty standards (insecurity) mature content → not appropriate for children/teenagers: having sexualised content; social media as "soft-porn" → emotional blunting ● alter bubbles: algorithms suggest only personalised content → doesn't represent pluralist + diverse opinions of the broad public → losing touch to reality → being more prone to extremis + radicalisation fake news + propaganda CON: Gender issues tool to maintain certain social constructions used to establish the role of one gender in relation with the other rooted within one's subconsciousness and represent something familiar that the target group may identify with ● ad's are art: a ban could get seen as censoprship "commercial realism": term by Erving Goffman advertisers try to present the advertising world in ways which it could be real ● The youngest generation of consumers disputes the binary classification of gender → basing marketing messages on gender stereotypes can actually be offensive Traditional gender roles are blurring, therefor ad's with them are ineffective discrimination against both genders: sexualisation + toxic masculinity ● stereotypes lack of diversity/ representation influences the perception of what is beautiful/ desirable creates insecurities Pro increased efficiency (1) genetic engineering improved drug stability (58) cost effectivnuss (2) Gs increased accessibility (4) BRUNNEN environmental benefits (3) FN health 1 health risks (1) method con regulations (4) money monetization intellectual property (3) environment spreading (2) Pro necessary to adopt to climate change GM food essential for agricultural Sector introducing vaccines. plentiful & healthy crops ausschuweifendster Punkt zum Ende BRUNNEN environment / threat to the environment Laure Con: money ! Food / power monopoly Hybris l'interference with nature profit -> gaal Pro: safe space, feeling of belonging, anonymity (1,2). establishing solidarity (3) Social representation, diversity, self-expression (4/7) entertainment (9) educational raising awareness BRUNNEN purpose, media ausnimity 1 Con: cyber bullying (4) Mental mental health issues + body dysmorphia (1,5) content alter bubbles (7) + / fake news (8) health emotional blunting (6) addiction (3) slacktivism