


Kommunikationsprüfungen Topics and useful phrases







Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino
Possible topics
- UK
> Multiculturalism
> imperialism
> Brexit
(23 June 2016)
> Windrush
> Commonwealth
- US
> American dream
> Gran Torino

Possible topics - UK > Multiculturalism > imperialism > Brexit (23 June 2016) > Windrush > Commonwealth - US > American dream > Gran Torino > Detroit > Racism stereotype > Belonging (Walt Thao) > patriotism > American south > civil rights movement > crooked letter father son / identity >gun control > US American border fence person's identity is shaped by external factors rather than internal factors > ambiguity of belonging > Trauma of 9/11 > attack on congress (January 6, 2021) Some discussion topics: Patriotism? Discuss effects of growing nationalist tendencies and how to respond to it. Discuss whether border walls around Europe would be justified. process in which a foreign cher becomes Discuss whether the process of naturalization should be facilitated. Enairegering Discuss which issues threaten our society most. Agree on the three most dangerous threats. Discuss whether immigrants who have committed a crime should be repatriated. abgeschoben More discussion topics: Discuss whether immigrants who have committed a crime should be repatriated. believes, religion, family, relationships Discuss factors that are most important in shaping a person's identity. Negotiate in this context whether belonging to an ethnic group is more important than belonging to a nation. Discuss measures to reduce the number of international migrants. Agree on the four best ones. Brexit, Border fences Discuss the role of stereotyping in our society. Discuss why stereotyping is still common. Discuss how you would define "Heimat". Agree on the most important features. -sense...

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of belonging - Safety - shapes your identity devolution Übertragung??? THE BRITISH CHARACTER ADAPTABILITY TO FORN Commons British Monarchy - sovereign English as a lingua franca Chinglish/ Denglish/ Panglish english gets more and more mixed up with other languages British identity crisis world power over the course of the 20th centua Blair: +use economic ties to USA to strengthen economy +maintain London's status as a world-class finance center alliance with G. Bush in Iraq backfired Lunequal relationship post-empire malaise Britishness/ adaptability to foreign conditions Brexit 23 June 2016 31 January 2020 British stereotypes+oad teeth *1994 (Hanit Kureishi) modern Engrand, urban environment father migrated to Engrand with Son Ali Sporvez Ali seeks for values he can identify with and thus turns to religion has become estranged from his father whom he considers to be corrupted "My Son the Fanatic" - short story by Hanif Kureshi 31 January 2020 Brexit day politeness/good manners Dend of the UK's membership of the European Union and the Start of the "transition period) Commonwealth An organized group of independent self- governing countries +humour (sarcasm/irony/ dark humour) +tea Cesp. black tea) + lack of emotion (reserved/unemo.) stiff upper lip +bod food (brand) +only able to speak english +anti-social behaviour abroad + love the royal family legacy of the British Empire to keep a stiff upper lip british stereotype Cemotionally unavailable) 23 June 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum passanger liner + Cruise Ship launched in Germany in 1930 in British service west Indian immigrants C1948 Jamaica! citizenship of the UK + Caribbean migrants eany, they had no restrictions immigration to the UK Brexit -Visa -18 yrs and above - work, study, family, asylum english ranguage requirements tolerance/ diversity placidity/self- control motives behind Britain's expansion Nigel Farage/UKIP +british politican + author +founding member of UK indepen- dence Party + brexit party linguistic imperialism/ colonialism Dominance of English across the world lingua franca? the Empire Windrush UK-USA relationship The level of ability that someone has to recognize and respect others' values and differences + being tolerant means accepting diversity and not expressing negative attitudes towards people who are different Manifest Destiny bcultural belief in 19th century American settiers were destined to expand across north America The fact of sth. having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion immigration to the US/ethnic diversity to keep and bear arms (2nd Amendment & NRA) gun-control trauma of 9/11 -PTSD (most common health effect of 9/11 attacks - depression terrorist attacks Charleston, Aurora, Newtown, Orlando etc Guns in the hands of mentally ill and oppressed fake news 2020 "I can't breathe" George Floyd/ Black Lives Matter G2013 17 yr old was shot by white ba Gran Torino: ambiguity of belonging whites are racial majority (2020) Slack, African American Indian +Asian Anti-American sentiment prejudice, tear, hatred of United states +its government, foreign Policy Attack on Congress, January 6, 2021 -Joe B. vs. Trump -"unjustified victory of Biden" -Trump calls violence in action resilience withstand or recover quickly from difficulties Trump's presidency The American South/ Mississippi 2nd amendment gun control/ gun laws constitution law: uniting and strengthihing America by providing appropriate Patriot Act, Homeland Security Tools required to intercept and obstruct Terrorism Guantánamo detention center torture, no lawyers, flashbacks, bad chances of better life The American Dream/from rags to riches prosperity, economy, business immigration (pull-factor) + all is possible with hard work Gangs in Hmong culture "Spider" Fong Thaos Cousin act of revenge + Walt threatens gang trade-off between liberty and security "Selma", movie racial tension/racial profiling the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having commited an offence Statue of Liberty (Inscription by Emma Lazarus, 1903) mother of Exiles, greeting millions of immigrants and embodying hope and opportunity Civil Rights Movement/ MLK nonviolent Social and political movement +campaign from 1954 to 1968 Supreme Court declares bus segregation unconsti. civil rights act 1964 Gran Torino: gangs Motor city of Detroit Jim Crow laws/ blackfacing CLCL: ambiguity of belonging Phrases for the monologue part Getting started Hello and welcome to my talk about... My task is to..... I would like to tell you something about... We are here today to look at.... today I want to take the opportunity to talk about Structuring I have structured my talk as follows. There are ... points I'd like to make. These are the points I would like to talk about. First, .... / Second, ... / Third, ... / and finally... First, I would like to say a few words about... Then, I'll move on to.... Now I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that... And finally, to round it off, I'll.... I want to start my monologue with... Referring to the impulses on your task sheet (pictures/short quotations) I believe the pictures symbolize the following aspects of the topic. Picture aspect... And this is something that shows up really well in picture... shows us the following As you can see in picture..... To my mind, picture ... has a clear message. The quotation given refers to the fact that... This quotation shows that... Topic sentences (to introduce a new part) Now, let's have a closer look at... Here is an argument which you often hear in discussions... This topic wouldn't be complete without a look at... OK, on to my ...... point. Giving your personal opinion To my mind, this seems.... Personally, I feel / believe that... I firmly believe that... There cannot be any doubt that.... I'm convinced that... Commenting and explaining It may sound really obvious, but.... Let me be really clear about this: I would like to stress that... To me, this is the core problem of the whole issue. Then, it is a logical consequence that... Let me illustrate this with an example. Here's an example to show what I'm going on about. Rounding off / Concluding So, to come to an end.... So, all things considered, I would like... Well, let me just sum up my main points.... So, to wrap things up, ..... Thank you very much for your attention. Starting the conversation • I'd like to focus on ...... in our conversation because.... ● Let us first turn to the picture which....../the question of.... ● What strikes me first about this whole issue is..... I would like to start by looking at...... • I suggest we start talking about........ • Why don't we first address...... if this is okay with you. ● Conversation gambits Asking for your partner's opinion/engaging the other person • Is there anything you would like to add? • How do you feel about...? • How about you? • I am curious to hear what your opinion is on that. Can you give an example of that? ● Could you be more specific? What do you mean? • I would be interested to hear what your opinion is on this matter. Agreeing with your partner • I admit I have to agree with you on this particular point. ● You have a point here. You are right, it cannot be denied that.... Right! I totally agree with you... I totally agree with you on....... ● • • Having reservations/disagreeing with your partner • Sorry, but that is not the way I see it. ● I see what you mean but I don't believe..... • Well, I don't quite go along with........ I'm not sure you're on the right track when you say that.....because...... ● In my view it is not right to assume that......... I'm sorry, but I'm not convinced yet because..... What bothers me about that is..... because.... Asking for clarification • Sorry, could you repeat what you just said? Excuse me, I didn't quite catch that/what you just said. Do you mean... or...? ● I'm afraid I did not quite get what you just said. • When you say..... what exactly do you mean by that? • Could you explain this to me once more please? Interrupting politely • Sorry to interrupt you but.... Excuse me, can I just stop you for a moment? • I apologize for interrupting but I think you misunderstood me. ● Referring to an earlier point • What you said earlier was....... • I'd like to come back to a point you made earlier, namely..... • I'd like to pick up on what you said about...... Did I understand you correctly? Did you mean to say.…....? I would ask you to clarify your last point/what you just said. Taking the conversation in a new direction ● I would like to bring up another issue/let us look at another important issue Now that we have looked at... let's think of another aspect, namely..... On top of everything we have said so far we also need to consider the fact that......./think of..... So far we have only looked at the advantages, let's now consider the drawbacks. • Something we have ignored so far is....... • Would it be alright with you if we now focus on.........? ● Playing for time • So, what you are basically saying is that...... Is that right? • I am trying to figure out how what you said relates to what we said about... ● Let me look at my notes for a second, I want to make sure that........ So what you are saying is...... Am I right in thinking that you mean.....? • I guess what I am trying to say is.... If I understand you correctly you are saying that.... ● ● Summarizing • We have spent a lot of time talking about.... Let's see where we agree and where we disagree. • We have looked at all the pictures. The pictures that deal with ......we don't think are suitable because..... • To put it in a nutshell... • Now let's quickly go through the issues again that have been raised. Ending a conversation • We are almost finished, and I would like to briefly...... ● Time is almost up so we should reach a decision. . (In a debate:) I guess we agree to disagree and we will have to..... US gun control: Second Amendment (1791), state laws, gun control, mass shootings (names!), the N(ational) R(ifle) A(ssociation), pro-gun lobby, anti-gun lobby, Gun Control Act (1968) 5. Britain now and then Britishness: stereotypes, British education, self-control, complacency, stiff upper lip, lack of adaptability to foreign conditions, superiority British Imperial Past: The sun never sets on the British Empire, reasons for expansion, colonization, decolonization, colonizers and colonized, slave trade, imposition of British language and culture, Commonwealth as an outcome of the British Empire, Barbados leaving the Commonwealth in 2021, partition of India/Pakistan, film Ghandi, stolen generation of Australia British immigration: pull and push factors, labour shortage, waves of immigration, multi-cultural society, Windrush Generation/Scandal, film East is East, short story My son the Fanatic, Muslim values in British society, suicide bombings in public transport in London 2005, rioting (e.g. in Brixton), interracial marriage Monarchy: role of the Queen, reigning but nor ruling, abdication, the Royals, a monarchy as an outdated political system or a fairy tale like tradition? "Megxit", film The Queen Brexit: devolution, 23rd June 2016 Referendum, David Cameron, UKIP party (Nigel Farage), Euro-sceptics, EU subsidies, Theresa May, reasons for LEAVE or REMAIN, No deal better than a bad deal?, or out?, Deal or no deal?, With or without EU?, divorce bill, backstop, Ireland/Northern Ireland, Boris Johnson 6. Globalization - definition of globalization and its impact on... Market forces: impact of a globalized world on developing countries; corona pandemic, supply chain, mass production, relocation of production, outsourcing, sweatshops, film Outsourced, Americanization/MacDonaldization, M(ulti) N(ational) C(orporations) = Nike, Coca Cola, Starbucks etc Environment: coronavirus pandemic, climate change, natural catastrophes, droughts, floods, Greta Thunberg and Severn Suzuki, FFF, carbon footprint, carbon emissions, kerosine tax, global warming, greenhouse effect, natural disasters, consumer habits, consumer boycotts, sustainability/sustainable, renewable energy sources, taking action Internet/social media: connectedness, big data, cyberbullying, fake news, Edward Snowden, facial recognition, China, film Snowden 7. South Africa / Rainbow Nation Nelson Mandela, apartheid, rainbow nation, South African flag, film Invictus 8. The Englishes Lingua franca, English as a world language/global language, Denglish-