


lernzettel Frankenstein und ethics of science







Full title: Frankenstein of the modem Prometheus
Genie Gothic Novel; Science Fiction
Author: Mary Shelley
Selling: Europe Year Published: 18
Full title: Frankenstein of the modem Prometheus
Genie Gothic Novel; Science Fiction
Author: Mary Shelley
Selling: Europe Year Published: 18

Full title: Frankenstein of the modem Prometheus Genie Gothic Novel; Science Fiction Author: Mary Shelley Selling: Europe Year Published: 1818 Main Characters: -rejects sociability ->chooses solitucle The monster created by Victor Focunkenstein -is ugly and looks scary -intelligent -> learns languge and human behaviour Victor Frankenstein: -doomed scientist studying in Ingolskidt -wants to create -> is appalled by his crection (monster). -monies Victor and dies on wedding night -is forced into solitude -Sunhappy. Elizabeth Lavenza pretly, gentle girl the Frankenstein adopt Themes Istildhed dead body parts to gather)-xkurk, supernatural monster leels beller in spring, after a cold winter FRANKENSTEIN Climar: Elizabeth is killed on her wedding night Bising Action: Monster is lonely and looking for love. He wants to revenge. Why does Victor create the monster? Victor offer he kills the female componion the monster asked for. -Victor is the true monster insidle be of his ambition, seciger dinc sellishness Plat -Dangerous knowledge: Victor wants to find the elixir of life -> backlives when monster kills everyone close to him.. -monstrosity: monster wasn't created with collaborative scientist. but rather in unethical way -wants to find the elixir of life; bring life to an (iteless object sees ambition both as a quality and a flaw. - he wants to achieve something, wants to be admirer! -his ambitious characer made him follow through with his plan nature romanticism, rellects character's mood thunder after...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

Justines execution when Victor feets guilly -has been interested in natural science since he was a childl actually monster is real mudlover Alphonse Frankenstein: kind father and husband (wite: Caroline) Mr. hampe + Mr. Walderon professors in Ingolstadt Henry Clerval: childhood friend of Frankenstein -follows him to Ingolstadt and cares for him (when he was in shart be menster) Robal Wallon: arctic explaer; his letters ove openers and closers of story is the actual narrator: writes everything by memory of what Frankenstein tellshim... Jusline Maritzgil close to the family; blamed for Williants (brother) death and executed Falling action: Victor wants to kill the momlet in revenge for all the deadlins. The end: Major Conflict: Victor doesn't accept the responsibility for his actions (creating the monster). Secresys Victor keeps it a secret br. of shame family is idealized. Lack of it creates back things -Viclars isolation "caused him to make monster solitude: in solitude Frankenstein created the manier -monster says that loneliness made him a muudeter -Victor dies before he can kill the monster. is he was ambitians when creating and in killing his curcition -Monster rogiels what he's done and plans suicide be he is truly lonely now. Fiction utopia- tem invented by Thomas Mare (philos.). dystopia: opposite of utopia -Greek: no place / good place -happy place that doesn't excist -better/best society. > better laws > everyone is happy and satisfied > people are honest, fair, brave, tolerant genetic engineering: -inserting gones or moking changes to DNA chances -cusing genetic diseases gene therapy. -improve nutritional value of food. Ethics of scienc -medical discoveries insuline, certain vaccines worst-case-scenario-future: spessimistic •manipulation, modification and recombination of DNA people jealous, ignorant, intoleramt, hypocsitioal, greedy > worse than today - there are 2 types of fiction dosk, gloomy, dictatorship seemingly perfect infruth conshicting Ino freedom etc.). Example: 4984, Handmaid's Tale risks issues ・etthical issues: gene-editing selection "modifying babies ·lack of regulations make misuse possible -unknown impact on longterm health -dependence of farmers on big chemical companies science fiction: -scientific a technological advances in the pos. and negative effects Example: Star Wars Internet technologies dillerence to fantasy: not supernatural Exemple: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones + improved communication across the world. access to information for everyone. Fontaty -7making life easier for people using magic and supernatural Nanotechnology two-small-tools elements loss of privacy risk of surveillance and espionage Artificial Intelligence and robotics: driverless cars, bionic body parts, robols for the house eg. voculion) commercial exploition of personal clatu (Comstbridge Analytion) -drones for military and civil (transport) usage Newro science: how the nervous system functions bhow the brain impacts behaviour