


Lernzettel zu „The hate U Give “







 Information on the places
the Carter's home
the old house of Starr's grandmother
flowered wallpaper"
pink in every room
which reminds of
 Information on the places
the Carter's home
the old house of Starr's grandmother
flowered wallpaper"
pink in every room
which reminds of
 Information on the places
the Carter's home
the old house of Starr's grandmother
flowered wallpaper"
pink in every room
which reminds of
 Information on the places
the Carter's home
the old house of Starr's grandmother
flowered wallpaper"
pink in every room
which reminds of
 Information on the places
the Carter's home
the old house of Starr's grandmother
flowered wallpaper"
pink in every room
which reminds of

Information on the places the Carter's home the old house of Starr's grandmother flowered wallpaper" pink in every room which reminds of Nana Black Jesus in a paiting on the hallway in a photograph & Malcom x • garden (Maverick takes care of it) Garden Heights it's hard to gain coolness for Starr • Some days, we are at the bottom in Garden •Heights, but we still share the feeling that damn, it could be worse" (p. 19. 11. 20 f.) was a battlefield for the past two months (p. 22 IL. 20 f.) ·carter's grocery store •good and bad areas ·gangs Hailey's father thinks it is the "ghetto" their residents Mr Lewis "Mr. Wyatt •The carters •king & Ishea their sense of community different groups • trying to help each other Sympathy L> Maverick got the store although he was in prison to escape someone needs money & support ->eg. De Vante but the whole system has to change to destroy the circle of thug life Thug Life: "The hate U Give Little Infants fucks everybody" (Der Hass, den du kleinkinder entgegenbringst, macht jeden kaputt.) L> what society gives us as youth, it bites them in the in the ass when we wild out Khalil #black lives matter the movement's aimes: ->Stop police violence against African Americans -stop racism -> Stop violence against the black community The supporter: -> liberals, African Americans Forms of protest: -> kneel during the national anthem, demonstrations, social media L> in the...

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novel: protests for Justice for Khalil L>characters: Starr & Ms. Ofrah hate= racism; stereotypes; discrimination, a system. against african americans, the poor, minorities etc. > people are getting "fucked" (prior) The hate U Give The circle of Thug life Stem is giving hate Ì people are rioting police gets away with it law decides against the minorities prison drugs Lack of opportunities (s. 141) (e.g. education) drug dealing & gangs (police) violence or murder (worst case) Į no jobs/ its hard to find one racialized poverty #all livesmatter aimes: response to BLM ->want to show that all lives matter, espacially white lives (-> had been critique as a form of racial dismissal) Supporters: conservatives, prominent individuals like Donald Trump forms of protest: -> demonstrations, social media L> counterdemonstrations to BLM •violent! in the novel: Hailey for expressing Sympathie for One-Fifteen #bluelivesmatter aimes: ->Countermovement to BLM ->Supports the police -> punishment for violence against the police Supporters: police officer NYPD .conservatives forms of protest: ->demonstrations, Social media in the novel: One-Fifteen's father, Hailey expressing sympathie for One-Fifteen the characters of the hate U give "white" spaces One-Fifteen •white police officer I who shot Khalil Mr. Lewis neighborhood Maya yang friends of Starr and Hailey ..the "peacekeeper" barber April Ofrah ·Starr's Lawyer Devante member of the. Chris Starr's boy- R friend •wealthy, white boy King Lords . lives with Uncle Carlos & Aunt Pam ♡ a wealthy, primarily white school ->Williamson Prep. Remi brother Hailey Grant friends with Maya and Starr ↓ Brenda Harris •drug addict Starr Carter protagonist •16 years old feels comfortable when she is confronted with racism in Starr life مالی devided Life 8 Aunt Pam L mum Ms. Rosalie Khalil Harris Childhood bestfriend • was shot by One-Fifteen grandmother of khalil Natasha Childhood bestfriend •was shot father poor, primarly black neighborhood -> Garden Heights. Uncle Carlos ·Served as a father figure (while Maverick was in prison) Siblings mother Trio Garden Heights King ·leader of the King Lords Lisa Carter .(step)mother of Seven relation. lesha Im parents of Maverick Carter -> "Big Mav" philosophical mother mom of Nana Parents Kenya friend of Starr mother father Lyric father S siblings Seven half brother of Starr, Sekani, Kenya 2 Lyric Sekani L> brother of Starr Starr -> in the beginning: uncertain teenage girl, reluctance to speak out the change during the novel: L>She becomes an outspoken activist for a change in her community • two worlds / poverty and violence of Garden Heights wealth & respectability of Williamson Prep -> Unsure about speaking about Khalil's death she fears that the story will change Maya's, Hailey's and Chris' view on her -> through this situation she realized that she built two identities and that she will always be judged in "white spaces". therefore, she stops tolerating Hailey's racist comments, allows Chris into her Garden Heights. Life and speaks up for Khalil in front of the Grand Jury ->She is the light for many characters: (her name Starr) L>protests for the Justice for Khalil >exposed King-> inspires Neighbors & Devante to Speak out L> Hailey's racism (-) finds a way to connect her two worlds) Refe injustice -> the death of Khalil -> he was unarmed and did nothing wrong. →> the ongoing investigation of Officer Cruise (aka. Brian or One-Fifteen) - the police in some actions Lyforce Maverick on the ground -> race is tied into injustice as well L> racism prevents African-Americans from obtaining (gain) justice ->e.g.: "Just US for Justice"-fights against police maltreatment on the basis of race community Garden Height residents have a strong sense of community: -> support for rebuilding the store the community & its importance keeps Maverick tied to the house in Garden Heights, although it's dangerous Race central to the story →Starr's identity is informed by her race ->Khalil's death is due in part to racism in the police force ->tension between williamson & Garden Heights L> because of the differences in wealth & in race ->stereotypes against African-Americans Leg.:bringing the death of a young teenager Bravery ->people call Starr brave for Speaking up about Khalil L>she can't share this opinion -> bravery is not the same thing as being afraid the very nature of bravery is to act in the face of fear, to refuse to back down even when the task is frightening. -> Starr is brave : demonstrates, speech, throws the can of tear gas (maybe a future in activism) The themes of the novel Speaking up Starr Struggles with speaking up -> she worries that she doesn't deserve to defend Khalil (had grown apart) ->midst of trauma & grief -> but Kenya inspires Starr to speak up in the end Starr has conquered her fears and recognized the importance of speaking up. Belonging ->Struggle with belonging her personality is twosided -> in the end she brings both personality together Family ·· perspective on nontraditional families - the Carters: atypical (Seven has a different mother than Starr & Sekani) although they support him. ->dysfunctional families L> King & lesha The hate U Give