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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story

5 10 15 20 25 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah Americanah is a novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It tells the story of a young Nigerian woman, Ifemelu, who emigrates to the United States to attend university. The novel traces Ifemelu's life in both countries; she is a blogger who writes about her experiences as a non-American black woman in the United States. Both Curt and Blaine are American men Ifemelu has a relationship with in the course of the novel. Curt is a white man and well-off; he helps Ifemelu to get a green card. Blaine is African American and admires Barack Obama. A substantial part of the novel is told in flashbacks. [...] Some years later, at a dinner party in Manhattan, a day after Barack Obama became the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States, surrounded by guests all fervent Obama supporters who were dewy-eyed with wine and victory, a balding white man said, "Obama excited will end racism in this country", and a large hipped, stylish poet from Haiti agreed, nodding, her Afro bigger than Ifemelu's, and said she had dated a white man for three years in California and race was never an issue for them. "That's a lie," Ifemelu said to her. "What?" The woman asked, as though she could...

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not have heard properly. "It's a lie," Ifemelu repeated. The woman's eyes bulged. "You're telling me what my own experience was?" Even though Ifemelu by then understood that people like the woman said what they said to keep others comfortable, and to show they appreciated How Far We Have Come; even though she was by then happily ensconced in a circle of Blaine's friends, one of whom was the woman's new boyfriend, and even though she should have left it alone, she did not. She could not. The words had, once again, overtaken her; they overpowered her throat, and tumbled out. "The only reason you say that race was not an issue is because you wish it was not. We all wish it was not. But it's a lie. I came from a country where race was not an issue I did not think of myself as black and I only became black when I came to America. When you are black in America and you fall in love with a white person, race doesn't matter when you're alone because it's just you and your love. But the minute you step outside, race matters. But we don't talk about it. We don't even tell our white partners the small things that piss us off and the things we wish they understood better, because we're worried they will say we're overreacting, or we're being too sensitive. And we don't want them to say, "Look how far we've come, just forty years ago it would have been illegal for us to even be a couple" blah blah blah, because you know what we're thinking when they say that? We're thinking why the fuck should it ever have been illegal anyway? But we don't say any of this stuff. We let it pile up inside our heads and when we come to nice liberal dinners like this, we say that race doesn't matter because that's what we're supposed to say, to keep our nice liberal friends comfortable. It's true. I speak from my experience." 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 The host, a Frenchwoman, glanced at her American husband, a slyly pleased smile on her face; the most unforgettable dinner parties happened when guests said unexpected, and potentially offensive, things. The poet shook her head and said to the host "I'd love to take some of that wonderful dip home if you have any left," and looked at the others as though she could not believe they were actually listening to Ifemelu. But they were, all of them hushed, their eyes on Ifemelu as though she was about to give up a salacious secret that would both titillate and implicate them ifernelu had been drinking too much white wine; from time to time she had a swimming sensation in her head, and she would later send apology e-mails to the host and the poet] But everyone was watching her, even Blaine, whose expression she could not, for once, read clearly. And so she began to talk about Curt. It was not that they avoided race, she and Curt. They talked about it in the slippery way that admitted nothing and engaged nothing and ended with the word "crazy", like a curious nugget to be examined and then put aside. Or as jokes that left her with a small and numb discomfort that she never admitted to him. And it was not that Curt pretended that being black and being white were the same in America; he knew they were not. It was, instead, that she did not understand how he grasped one thing but was completely tone-deaf about another similar thing, how he could easily make one imaginative leap, but crippled in the face of another. [...] At the cocktail reception, he kept his fingers meshed with hers. Young females in tiny dresses, their breaths and bellies sucked in, trooped across to say hello to him and to flirt, asking if he remembered them, Ashleigh's friend from high school, Ashleigh's roommate in collage. When Curt said, "This is my girlfriend, Ifemelu", they looked at her with surprise, a surprise that some of them shielded and some of them did not, and in their expressions was the question "Why her?" It amused Ifemelu. She had seen that look before, on the faces of white women, strangers on the street, who would see her hand clasped in Curt's and instantly cloud their faces with that look. The look of people confronting a great tribal loss. It was not merely because Curt was white, it was the kind of white he was, the untamed golden hair and handsome face, the athlete's body, the sunny charm and the smell, around him, of money. If he were fat, older, poor, plain, eccentric, or dreadlocked, then it would be less remarkable, and the guardians of the tribe would be mollified. And it did not help that although she might be a pretty black girl, she was not the kind of black that they could, with an effort, imagine with him: she was not light-skinned, she was not biracial. At that party, as Curt held on to her hand, kissed her often, introduced her to everyone, her amusement curdled into exhaustion. The looks had begun to pierce her skin. She was tired even of Curt's protection, tired of needing protection. [...] Source: excerpt(s) from AMERICANAH by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2013) I. M. Reading comprehension Instructions: ● ● ● Tick the correct statement(s) as indicated. Give a quote from the text to support each correct statement: the line number(s) plus the first three and the last three words of the quote. If the quote is less than six words, write down the full quote. 1. Tick the two correct answers and provide one quote for each. The Obama supporters at the dinner party in Manhattan are described as: pious fromm, gut gemeint A blunt -stumpedireles naive sincere ehrlich aufrichtig ardent - Leidenschaftlich X defeatist veend (^~^) quote 1: line(s) 8/10 4 The poet shook... Ubstening to Ifemel." quote 2: line(s) 2-3 :"all fervent Obama... wine and victory, 2. Tick the correct answer. Ifemelu cannot understand why the Haitan poet describes her biracial relationship as unproblematic. true false lieep others comptable line(s) 11-12: "Even though Hemelv.. He Have come Ty 2 3. Complete the sentence. You may use your own words or quote from the text. When Ifemelu says, "I did not think of myself as black and I only became black when I came to America" (II.17/18) she means ... that where she came from, she wasn't an outstanding women, she looked like everybody oke and so the asn't categorized into a specific for "race.. Only then she be come to the US, where she is part of a minority, she is considered different, and so "black", M. 4. Tick the correct statement. African Americans often choose not to confront latent racism because they do not want ... Otheir partners to have doubts about their relationship. to be seen as aggressive. to offend their partners. to come across as thin-skinned. line(s) 21-23: We don't ever.... 1 5. Tick the correct statement. The host is content with Ifemelu's outburst because... Xit will make her party memorable. being she shares Ifemelu's opinion. she wants Ifemelu to fall out with the other guests. she has issues with the Haitian poet. line(s) 29-31: "The host, a ..- potentially offensive things." line(s) 6. Tick the correct answer. In indsight Ifemelu seems to regret what she says at the party. Xtrue false From time to 35-37 "femeto had bee. too sensitive." 7. Tick the correct answer. Curt thinks that race does not matter in America. true false line(s) 43,44: "And it vas. and the poet. they were " 8. Complete the sentence in your own words. When white women see Curt with Ifemelu, their looks suggest that... ^ quote too long they don't understand why Curt, a good-looking, rich white men would dabe someone like her, a black woman. ^ 9. Tick the correct answer. Which word describes Ifemelu's feelings when out with Curt in public best? 11. II.1 secure Xexasperated verweifelt, verängent line(s) 61,62: "She was fired. OR self-conscious desperate vereifelt, verloren, Hille brauchend Choose one of the following: Composition 11.11 of needing protection." content: "Obama will end racism in this country" (II. 3/4) Discuss whether this hope has become a reality in the United States. language: real people usactually happening image /symbol Interpret the cartoon and comment on its message. up not just an THE NEW COLOSSUS Joseph Rank/cartoonstock.com statue of Choty N SEND ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR YOUR HUDDLED MASSES YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE THE WRETCHED REFUSE OF YOUR TEEMING SHORE SEND THESE.THE HOMELESS TEMPEST-TOSSED TO ME AND I'LL TAKE CARE OF EM FOR YA KANKX014 10 /10 15 1 15 racism in lau aboushed par society still racist. Copers -> many incidents uno sentences -darke times island of Grea Us Grüher Xomow land of - роет Camalupe • changed line Loves land of freedom is falee poem had se Successful Libet previous proper wealth Koou originally for statives of aborty noor behaver of of M. Information: "The New Colossus" is a sonnet by Emma Lazarus. The poem was cast onto a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level. The original version of the second stanza of the poem is as follows: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" English-exam 12-1 I.2 Racisin and racist police brutality have been and over and over upcoming topic in the media throughout the last years, maybe decades. Names like eg. George Floyd, z Trayvon Martin or Bresma Taylor are connected to this osue in the United States. Mostly black pestaple are af fected by this is problem. Many people criticize the present circumstances through articles, protests or posters and carboons. So aid the cortoenstz Joseph Rank who published in 2014 in which he criticizes racist police brutality. The cartoon shows a podest I a cortoon on cartoonstock.com Excellent text, R the any pover gun in the middle of the sea. On it the viever can observert bus people in the center of attention. A Bolice officer and z a black citizen. While the citizen seems inconscious, the and thout police officer holds him under his arm by the neck and points. into the sky with his other hand. In the background, One can spot a city's skyline with a dark, almost black sky above it. On the right side of the cartoon Emma Lazarus's sonnet "The St New Colossus" is quoted. Only its Last Cine "I left my (amp beside the golden door!" was changed into "And I'll take care of "em for you". The cartoon's title is the same as the sornet's: "The new (osus". as a symbol R • The podast in the skee with both (c) personas on if reminds of the Statue of Liberty, which is also a symbol standing in the middle of P (C) R له the sea and in front of a city's deyline. The statue of Liberty & considered as the symbol of freedom, equally and opportunity and at the US, stands for a big bepe for inning ane coming ths the is to have a beat tike. That the cartoonist changed the Statue of Liberby into the two people implicates that the cartoonist wents considers the racist police brutality as a more adequate sympol for the United States than the statue of Liberty. This also indicates that the cartoonist claims the promises of freedom and unlimited opportunities are lies and only a curtain to cover the real circumstances in the auntry, In addition to that, the two men on the prodest are colorful in the eniginal cortsion) which states that what the observer can see on the cartoon is really happening and not only a symbol or an image that is drawn. As Fourthermore, "The New Colossus was originally written to show people the advantages of a life in the US, that the United States are there to help the poor and give. opportunity to the ses who are in need. Giving the cartoon the same tible malees as up on ironic distortion of the poem's original purpose. Saying the shown situation & would be the real "colossus" maless the idea of an "American Dean" worthless and unreal. The US claims to be the country of #hat freedom and support, whereas in reality those who the US states to help, are still oppressed and in an inferior posi- tron The change of the last line in the poem is at in the eyes. of the viewer obviously a lie, because it stands in opposition. to the statue on the left side of the cartoon. Holding A. the or black cibicen lilee this dailearly doesn't make the impression of the police officer taking care of anyone. What supports this message is his face being pointed into the opps- site direction of the citizen being unconcious. The contraprist mode use of the informat (R) " language in the last changed line of the poem's stanza, This apedt makes the stanza Be seems like if by the police officer. Using the informat language! care of 'em for yo. " ) makes the police officer seem leven more unprofessional than he already is. Instead of protecting the chizers, which should be his actual profession, he threatens some of them. This upprofesionais portrayed on the Linguistics Gevel 2 took through the almost slang - Cila language. * Lastly, the dark slay above the city is a sign of the darke and dull situation in the US. It's almost frightening to see the darkness above such a big o'ty. In conclusion, the cartoonist doesn't said Ahoras "I'll take with the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of the values agree er the United States any more. The idea of the "American. Dream" seens nice but the carbonist wants to show the ob a black person person server the harsh reality of being oft odor in the United states. ora I agree with the carbongt's message which the emphasized as through the cartoon ever though it is a little exaggerated to me of Firstly, Iwond borgention that - very long ago, civil rights for the of African. American people weren of notural and people like Matin Luther Kling went to protests to fight for them. 16 wasn't always giver that white and black people were equal and beneath the law. Nowadays Facism in the US-american laws are aboushed, but in society people of color still have to face racision A R incidents beten the on a daily basis. 10 news, black people black stizens and it mostly white police offices are offer posted. Not always the incidents ended with the death of a citizen, but often the citizens are accused of crimes which turn out to be false, ore some citizens even die. Most of the times the res- ponsible officers aren't sentenced I am convinced that these These accumstances pub the police into a superior position and obuges black people to a- Laps be cautious and 6 be scared. to ul Secondyn the Sourican Dream, which the Statue of Liberty stand fully stands for may not be a lie, but becoming successful in the US without any base of dready existing wealth or property is indeed very hard. Hence, many people who immigrated tabs the US, hp- The hundred ping for a better life Bots shay of in lover classes, be hundred (st) years ago, the immigrants may have had it easter, because the US's infrastructure wasn't that strong already and people had better chances to be successful. Bub black people in terms of slavery have never had meal chonce for the of stay The ( reality hasn't really changed in many cases. with its Finally, these arguments let me come to the conclusion that the carbon's message is emphasized very well and / can agree Of course, not every single message- black person h the US is oppressed this hard, liler shown in the date cartoon, but the majority of them has to deal with this kind of racism a lo6, maybe not that violent, but it's still a burden for them to carry.