


Martin Luther King







Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK
Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK
Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK
Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK
Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK
Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK
Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK
Martin Luther King Content of our presentation
• 1. general informations
2. family and childhood
• 3. "I have a dream"
4. Attack to MLK

Martin Luther King Content of our presentation • 1. general informations 2. family and childhood • 3. "I have a dream" ● 4. Attack to MLK • 5. Martin Luther King in todays world ● General informations *january 15th 1929 in Atlanta, USA lived with his parents, brothers and sisters • name of the parents: Martin Luther King Senior, Alberta Williams King ● ● • was murdered on April 4th 1968 father of five children famoust speech: "I have a dream" • civil rights activist ● family and childhood • his father worked first as a pastor, than as a mechanic assistant king Senior finished night school his mothers grandfather was a son of a slaves • all subsequent generations also belonged to this community ● his gradpa worked on a cotton plantation • his name had a religious meaning black and white people were seperated ● RAACH DA WAKT 2081& S&FREEDOM DAY IN "I have a dream" ● • speech important aspects • at that time current calls from MLK • in front of more than 250000 people Attack to Martin Luther King • Where: Lorraine Motel, Memphis, USA • When: 04.04.1968 • How: shooted down till he stands on the balcoon By who: James Earl Ray Why: because of his ideology Consequences: people demonstrated in whole USA for rights Martin Luther King in today's world • his dream still works today ● Equality is also an important topic today • Skin color should'nt say anything about anyone ● ● ● many statues many streets named after him...

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