


Martin luther king







Martin Luther King Jr.
- born on 15.01.1929 in Atlanta, USA
- murdered on 04.04.1968 in Memphis,
US American pastor and civil righ
Martin Luther King Jr.
- born on 15.01.1929 in Atlanta, USA
- murdered on 04.04.1968 in Memphis,
US American pastor and civil righ

Martin Luther King Jr. life: - born on 15.01.1929 in Atlanta, USA - murdered on 04.04.1968 in Memphis, USA US American pastor and civil rights activist - son of a pastor - skipped 2 classes at school and started to study sociology with 16 - marriage with Coretta Scott Williams → 4 children - 1954: pastor in Montgomery successes: the legal segretation was abolished by engagement and introduced the unrestricted voting right for blacks in the US southern states - prototypical functions 1964 awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - since 1986 own holiday: ,,Martin Luther King Memorial Day" - published 4 books assassination: - 04.04.1968 on the balcony of the Lorrain-motel in Memphis - officially: from the individual offender James Earl Ray shot - unofficially: conspiracy in which the goverment played a significant role protest: - fight against social oppression, racism and racial segregation - moves black citizens to demonstrate (e.g. Montgomery Bus Boykott) - sentenced to imprisonment 30 times - survived 2 bombings Luther King Martin Luther

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