


Seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner - Zusammenfassung, Charaktere und Begriffserklärungen







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7 methods of killing Kylie Jenner
Method 1: Death by poison (criticized the compliments she got because
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7 methods of killing Kylie Jenner
Method 1: Death by poison (criticized the compliments she got because
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7 methods of killing Kylie Jenner
Method 1: Death by poison (criticized the compliments she got because
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7 methods of killing Kylie Jenner
Method 1: Death by poison (criticized the compliments she got because

start of the story end of the story 7 methods of killing Kylie Jenner Method 1: Death by poison (criticized the compliments she got because of her lip filler) Method 2: Death by shooting (ten shots to her chest) Method 3: Death by drowning (drown Like refugees who try to escape) Method 4: Deater by skinning (she should run around in her real skin) Method 5: Death by immolation (she should be burnt). Method 6: Death by disgrace (she should run around like the Black men who used to entertain Block people) Method 7: Death by displacement (talls about Saartjie's story) Timeline ashback □twitter · Cleo reacted disgusted when Cara tried to kiss her Cleo saw Kylie's new lips → she felt mad becaus she got compliment and people call Black girls with bigger lips ugly Cleo was harassed (they took off her wig, they laughed at her) and Kara didn't help Cleo -tweet Kylie Jenner becames the youngest self-made billionaire ・Cleo doesn't agree with it and started a thread with the methods posted method 1+2 -Kara visited Cleo and Cleo tells her about the methods and sayed that it was only a joke The Twiller community didn't take the methods serious Kara think it's not that senious while Cleo feels misunderstood Method 3 Cleo tells Kara that her boyfriend cheated her with a white girl. Method...

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4 ・they still don't take her serious on Twitter Kara doesn't understand why Cleo acts like this both started on their race arguing Method 5 they sent Cleo racist tweets Cleo and Kara argued The news reported about. Cleo's thread - Twitter started to find Cleo's old problematic tweets > find a they want to find out her real identity Method 6 they found Clea's real name homophobic tweet Kara and Cleo argued →Kara blocked Cleo Cleo apologized on Twitter for the thread and her homophobig Method 7 Cleo and Kara are friends. again - they smolied together they talked to Saartjie → they praised her tweet Characters Cleo - the protagonist of the drama. ala @INCONEGRO Black, dar ber skin, 21 years old - heterosexual agressive, stubborn, impulsive, unbalanced dislikes to fulfill stereotypes •wants to be pretty - was always in Kara's shadow. - trys to hide her weakness. Why Cleo started the thread - she is mad about the compliments Kylie gets - she feels jealous about Kylie - Cleo feels mad about the cultural appropriation wants to talk about stereotypes. Saartjie's fate Saartjie's role in the book symbol Kara and Cleo praised her for helping them: them feel like queens Kara ·childhood friend of Cleo Black, mixed race, 22 years old → making. • they can be free > their bodies are their own - queer Cleo and - difficult to compare! - looke Similiar - at the party and on twiller people treated Cleo like an calm, passive, doesn't want to attract atention • people think that she's beautiful - she cares what other people think about her animal Post mortem - Kara and Cleo can bury the feeling of oppression they had for a long time. - this chapter is a personal healing process Slang informal register, used by members of a special group (group identity) example internet slang Cultural appropriation when somebody Blackfishing to look like a Black person. Black face to darken the skin. Colourism to prefer people with lighter or darker skin While privilege social advantage while people have (because of their skin colour), institutional problem Hate speach definition attacks a person /group based on their gender, offensiv language the tool for hate speach examples memes, racist jokes, social media - they are afraid so tell it comments in person reasons xenophobia they get away with it they go through something attention or revenge how to deal with it - report it adopts an element of another culture without supporting the culture - lift each other up speake up ignore it don't say anything they used her for Entertainment she was a sex worker race, disability, religion (...) if you can't say something nice Saartjie name: Sarah Vaartman - a woman from South Africa (Eastern Cape) born in 1789, died at the age of 26, the reason is unknown. - transported through Europe during the late 18th and early 19th century - until 197h they displayed her body at France's Musée de l'Homme - 2002 her remains were repatriated to South Africa and were buried in Hankey (Eastern Cape) Classical and modern theatre. classical theatre exploring philosophical ideas, familiar storys from the history simple selling focus on the role of fate, external factors poetic language (pattern of rhymes, (.)) audience observe few characters modern theatre complex struggle of ordinary peoples' live detailed + symbolic setting individual's will and freedom of choice. written in prose (monologues audience is directly addressed many characters and different places Blurb: summary on the back of the cover attracts attention Or dialogues, (...)) + involved