


The Hate You Give







Reading Quiz 4-Chapters 6-8
Question 1:
State three details about Starr's interview at the police station.
The officers ask questions only a
Reading Quiz 4-Chapters 6-8
Question 1:
State three details about Starr's interview at the police station.
The officers ask questions only a
Reading Quiz 4-Chapters 6-8
Question 1:
State three details about Starr's interview at the police station.
The officers ask questions only a

Reading Quiz 4-Chapters 6-8 Question 1: State three details about Starr's interview at the police station. The officers ask questions only about Khalil and not 115, they call Khalil's murder "incident" but Starr tells them it's a "murder", Starr is nervous and she remembers the rules of dealing with the police. Question 2: What do Starr and Hailey fight about in the context of the basketball game? Hailey told Starr to pretend that the ball is some fried chicken (p.s. they had fried chicken for lunch) but Starr thought that Hailey means that Starr is fried chicken as she is the only one who has a dark skin in the gym. This makes Hailey angry since Starr thought that Hailey, her childhood friend, is a racist. Question 3: Name three areas of interest that Hailey, Maya and Starr share/used to share. Basketball, Jonas Brothers and High School Musical. Question 4: What new fact about officer 115 is revealed in the conversation between Starr and Uncle Carlos at the fro-yo shop? The new fact is that 115 pointed his gun at Starr after he shot Khalil and nobody helped Starr. Question 5: What happened to the "Hood Trio"? Natasha, Khalil and Starr were the "Hood Trio". Natasha was killed by a gang member and Khalil was killed by 115. Now only Starr...

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is alive. Question 6: What is the big scandal at Khalil's funeral? The big scandal is when King Lords come to the funeral and one of them heads Khalil a folded gray bandana and lay it across Khalil's chest which means that Khalil was a King Lord. Therefore Mrs. Rosalie freaks out. Question 7: Who is Ms Ofrah and what does her organisation do? Ms. Ofrah is an advocate. She has a small organization to fight for dark skinned victims of the police violence by organizing protests for police accountability. Khalil - prejudice and reality "The drug dealer. That's how they see him. It doesn't matter that he's suspected of doing it. "Drug dealer" is louder than "suspected" ever will be." Task 1: Explain the quote above and elaborate on the consequences that the news coverage has for the public's perception of Khalil. Starr seems to be upset and angry because her friends Maya and Hailey see Khalil as a drug dealer, although he was suspected. The negative stereotype about black youth make her feels disappointed because she knows that his death might be acceptable. Furthermore, she knows that Khalil was much more than the media tries show. The consequences that the news coverage has for the public's perception of Khalil are negative. The media is manipulating people and trying to influence them. People might be influenced front the media and think that Khalil got what he deserved because he was a criminal. Furthermore, the media tries to find reasons for Khalil's death to make the police the good side in the story. While they are doing this, they forget that Khalil was still a teenager who deserved to live like white teenagers and the negative stereotype about black people is playing its role again. Task2: Discuss the consequences of prejudices against the victims of police violence for their families, society in general but also for members the police force. For the victims' families: The families won't trust the government and the police anymore, which can cause chaos, since they will try to take their rights on their own. Furthermore, this will be another shock for the families who didn't get over the death of their loved ones as now they have to face the condemn of the society and fight for their rights alone. Which makes them feel outsider in the community. For the society: The society will be used at these situations and the police violence would not be something new which makes it acceptable. The black people might not be seen as a part of the society since the prejudice against the black people can be more. Since the families of the victims won't trust the government and the police anymore, chaos can be caused as they will try to take their rights on their own. It can also separate the socierty and spread hate. For the police: The police officers will use more violenc since they know that they won't be punished and won't be held accountable. Furthermore, the black people who would like to be police officers will face difficulties as black people are often marked as thugs. Task 3: During the funeral service (and in many moments since Khalil's death), Starr thinks a lot about details from their shared childhood. For her Khalil is not only the cliché presented on the news, for her there was far more to him. To share her insight into the person that was Khalil with a broader group of people, she writes a eulogy, in which she presents her view on who Khalil really was. Write this eulogy in 150-200 words. Hallo everyone, today I am going to tell you about Khalil. Khalil was my best friend until he got shot from a police officer in front of my eyes. Khalil will always stay in my heart and nothing can change that. He had hazel eyes and the way he looked at me with his hazel eyes makes it hard to be upset. My first kiss was with him and he was the person that introduced me to the butterflies in the stomach, that comes when you see your crush. He was loved and protective. I remember we were at a party and suddenly we heard gunshots. Khalil rescued me and took me out. He had strong heart and he was so caring. He was the cool guy who girls start fixing their hair when they see him. Khalil was not the way the media describe him. He was against drugs because someone he loves suffered from drugs. He was a caring friend as well as a caring and responsible son and grandson. He used to take care of his mother and his grandmother Mrs. Rosalie who was going through chemotherapy and lost her job because of it. My uncomfortable moments pass when I see him because I can be myself with him as I am sure he will never judge me. He was my childhood friend and the person that used to make me feel better and cheered me up. Me, him and Natasha were the perfect trio but unfortunately the both were killed for doing nothing at all. Believe me if I want to describe how pure he was, I will never be done because word can not describe him. Khalil was not responsible for his death as well as for the negative stereotype about black youth.