


The Hate You Give







Reading Quiz 6- Chapters 10+11
Please respond to the questions and prompts below. Bullet points are sufficient.
Question 1: Why is DeVante h
Reading Quiz 6- Chapters 10+11
Please respond to the questions and prompts below. Bullet points are sufficient.
Question 1: Why is DeVante h
Reading Quiz 6- Chapters 10+11
Please respond to the questions and prompts below. Bullet points are sufficient.
Question 1: Why is DeVante h
Reading Quiz 6- Chapters 10+11
Please respond to the questions and prompts below. Bullet points are sufficient.
Question 1: Why is DeVante h
Reading Quiz 6- Chapters 10+11
Please respond to the questions and prompts below. Bullet points are sufficient.
Question 1: Why is DeVante h
Reading Quiz 6- Chapters 10+11
Please respond to the questions and prompts below. Bullet points are sufficient.
Question 1: Why is DeVante h

Reading Quiz 6- Chapters 10+11 Please respond to the questions and prompts below. Bullet points are sufficient. Question 1: Why is DeVante hiding from King? Devante is hiding from King because King wants him to kill the killer of Dalvin and DeVante doesn't want to kill anybody. Question 2: How did Mr. Carter get out off the King Lords? Maverick and King had once a pick up and they got caught. The cops wanted to know who owns the weapons, so Maverick took the charge. This left King indebted to Maverick, and Maverick used this leverage to leave. Question 3: What is Mr. Carter's plan for Devante? Mr. Carter offers him a job at his store. Furthermore, he wants DeVante to still go to school and stays at Maverick's house until he gets out of the neighbourhood. Question 4: Who was DeVante's brother? DeVante's brother was Dalvin. Question 5: Why are Starr's parents fighting about moving? Starr's mother doesn't want to stay in the neighborhood because it's dangerous for her children. She wants her children to enjoy life. But Starr's father says that if they leave the neighborhood, they are turning their backs to their people when they can make changes in their neighborhood. Question 6: What is Starr's reaction to the protests at school? Starr got mad and angry...

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because the students protest to just have a free period. Question 7: Why is Mr. Lewis in danger after his TV interview? Mr. Lewis is in danger because he mentioned King's name during his TV interview as he said that King Lords are thugs who have been terrorizing Garden Hights for years. He also mentioned that King lives in Garden Hights and he is the biggest drug dealer in the city. Question 8: What interrupted the fight between Mr. Carter and Mr. Lewis? Two police officers interrupted the fight between Mr. Carter and Mr. Lewis. They said that it seemed like Mr. Carter is harassing Mr. Lewis, although Mr. Lewis said they were just talking. Therefore, they asked Mr. Carter about his ID and when they saw his name they told him to get on the ground and put his hands behind his back Question 9: What is the title of Starr's new blog? ,The Khalil I Know' Question 10: Which object in Khalil's car was mistaken for a gun? Khalil's black hairbrush was mistaken for a gun. Question 11: Why does Starr have to talk to the DA? The District Attorney would like to question Starr about Khalil's death. And the grand jury will decide wether 115 will be charged and tried or not. Question 12: What is Ms. Ofrah's new role in Starr's life? Ms. Ofrah would like to represent Starr pro bono. Question 13: Why does King want to kill Devante? King wants to kill Devante because he stole about five grands form him. Question 14: Devante has to escape from Garden Heights. Where does he go? DeVante goes to Uncle Carlos's house. Question 15: How does Maverick react when he finds out about Chris? Maverick gets angry and is surprised when he finds out about Chris. But he was also disappointed and hurt because Uncle Carlos knew but he didn't. Question 16: Why did Khalil deal drugs for King? Khalil had to deal drugs for King because his mother stole some shit from King and King wanted her dead. Therefore, Khalil wanted to protect his mom and started selling drugs to pay the debt. Maverick's definition of "THUG Life" Information about Maverick's definition of "THUG Life": Maverick says that Thug Life is a constructed system against black people. Black people don't have many opportunities, no jobs, not even good schools. Even if the student in his neighborhood have a high school diploma, the schools in the neighborhood don't prepare them well enough. As these schools don't get resources to equip the black students like the white ones. And the drugs, which are a billion dollar industry, come from the outside because no one in thier neighbourhood is super rich. More and more drug addicts get addicted to the drugs and lose their jobs, while the drug dealers go to jail. And when they get out, many companies don't want to hire them. So they turn to drug dealing because they need money. This system is like a circle which many black people can't get out and it's called thug life. Maverick tells Starr that it is much easier to fall into the life of a drug dealer than to get out of it. Therefore, she doesn't have to judge Khalil. Then he asks her how does Thug Life applies to the protests and the riots. Starr says that everybody is pissed because no charges are taken against 115 and this is not the first time that something like this happens. Besides, people will keep rioting until it changes which fucks everybody. Maverick tells Starr that they can't be silent until something changes. billion-dollar industry don't get resources to equip students Devante bad schools Maverick get arrested sell drugs THUG Lifes a system designed against black people lack of apportunities no money Khalils Prison no jobs najobs unemployment drugs destroy billion-dollar industy (from outside) the community Brenda need money sell drugs take drugs no jobs until they're clean for rehab can't pay negative stereo type. Police violence Starr changes Protests riots speak out silence no changes Tasks: The songs in Starr's Life – part II: Tupac Shakur's THUG LIFE 1. Watch the short video in which Tupac Shakur explains the meaning of THUG LIFE and briefly summarise what the acronym means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TfEr BLW30. The Hate You Give little infants f*cks everybody. 2. Read the conversation between Starr and her father again (chapter 10, pp. 166-169). To gain a detailed understanding of the concept, respond to the following. a) What group in society is said to be the recipient of hate? Black people, minorities, poor people and everybody at the bottom in society are the oppressed people who are the recipient of hate in society. b) What is "the hate" they give to "little infants" in today's society? The hate they give to little infants in today's society is a system designed against them. It's like a circle they can not get out from which is caused by lack of opportunities. The lack of opportunities is because of the bad schools which are not prepared enough to equip students and because of the multibillion- dollar industry, namely drugs. Drugs come from the outside and destroy the communities. Many young people need money so they start dealing drugs and if they get arrested, they spend most of their life in prison or they have hard time getting a real job. Which leads them to start selling drugs again. Other young people take drugs to survive and they can't get job until they are clean and they can't pay for rehab until they get jobs. That is why young people start selling drugs, because they don't have other choices to survive. c) Explain why "the hate [...] fucks everyone", not only the affected communities but society as a whole. Hate fucks everyone, because the young people who grew up with hate will give it back to society when they grow up. For example, drug dealers or gangsters not only affect their community but also society. They give the hate back because they have only grown up with hate. Also, hate can separate communities in one society from each other. Furthermore, many young black people deal with drugs because of the lack of opportunities and choices and that's why people have a negative stereotype against the black youth. This negative stereotype leads police to use violence against black people without being charged. Black people get pissed because of the police's violence against them and start protesting and rioting which can affect the whole society or even separate communities and spread hate. 3. Give reasons why THUG LIFE is not only relevant for Mr. Carter's generation (as he assumed) but also for Starr and Khalil's generation. Give reasons for the people listed below. Starr Khalil Mr. and Mrs. Carter Uncle Carlos she lost her two childhood friends (Khalil and Natasha) and she is still suffering because of it (for example nightmares), she has to act different at Williamson to not be judged because of her skin color, she is in a dilemma between the two worlds, she is going through a very hard time during her white friends are living their lives in a ,,normal" way, she is living in a dangerous neighborhood and can't trust the police or government anymore. he got killed by 115 for not doing anything at all, he is suspected as a drug dealer although no proof were found (negative stereotype), many people think that he deserved to be killed, he had no choice but just to deal with drugs because he wanted to protect his mom from King the biggest drug dealer,, 115 is still free and not charged yet. They live in a dangerous neighborhood, they have to worry about their children (e.g. when Starr and Seven went to the basketball court they freaked out), they constantly fight about moving, Mr. Carter was in prison and missed years with Starr and Ms. Carter, he was in prison to protect King so that he could come out of the King Lords, Mr. Carter was going to get arrested in front of his kids, his daughter lost two of her childhood friends. He is on leave because of Starr, he helped taking care of Starr and her brothers when Maverick was in jail, he is influenced by the negative stereotype against black youth as he once mentioned that it's different if he is searching a black or a white people. 4 5 Analyze the effect of the choice of words used to describe Khalil's death. Death: The word "death" makes the reader think of Khalil, his friends and family. Readers have empathy and may want to know how he died, what he was like and what he would be like if he were alive. This word makes us believe that the character no longer exists. Readers wonder how Khalil would be if he were still alive, what he could have done or what dreams he wanted to realise before he died. But now he has died. The word death also tells us that Starr's friendship with Khalil has suddenly ended. We can only get a glimpse of their shared memories now. Incident: This word was used by the police officers and TV reporters to describe Khalil's death in such a way that the reader does not blame the police officers, which makes Khalil's murder look "better". This means that they are trying to influence people to protect the police officer and show that he did not really mean to kill Khalil or that it was not his intention to kill Khalil but things got out of hand and perhaps the police officer should not be charged. Murder: This word is very expressive because murder means that the policeman deliberately killed Khalil and this was his intention. This shows us that the policeman has no feelings because he did not think about Khalil, his family and his friends. And that is why he must be charged. Put yourself in Chris's position and write an interior monologue on how he experienced his first meeting with Starr's family and Devante. Her mother and uncle are very nice and friendly, so I think they like me, but I'm pretty sure her father didn't like me at all. When he saw me he was shocked as if I was a ghost. He doesn't like white people and that's so obvious, that's why he doesn't want Starr to have a white boyfriend, a black thing. I wonder if he was now arguing with Starr because of me even though he seemed to be hurt because everyone knew about me but him. Maybe he's jealous of Uncle Carlos because he's like a second father to Starr. But what bothered me the most is this guy named DeVante. What the hell is he doing with Starr, does he like her or what? He looked at me and said 'boyfriend' with a slight laugh as if I wasn't seeing it. But what did he mean when he said to Starr "I should have known you'd have a white boy"? Is it so bad to have a white boyfriend? Like I don't understand the difference between being black or white because to me it doesn't matter, we're all human beings.