


Utopia and Dystopia, The Circle, 1984







1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm
1st exam Q2
Mrs Fromert,
When I was looking for dystopian
films we could watch, I came
article about the
TV-series "A Handm

1st exam Q2 Mrs Fromert, Hello When I was looking for dystopian films we could watch, I came article about the across new TV-series "A Handmaid's tale". It is about a dystopian vision of the future where the society made steps. backwards and is lictated by a theocratic circle of men. The dystopia begins in a world. Similar to ous nowadays. But then, the access to their money ist denied for all women. living in the "Republic Gilead" the new USA. V кте Dez. 02 6 A short time after women have almost no rights anymor, e.g. they aren't allowed to have a job, read or write. Jayment Many women. became infertile due to pollution with poisorts. The few that can become pregnant still, get locked in centres where they get treated violently. Even the names get changed to "property of. Also, divorce is abolished and homo- sexuality get's punished death. penalty. Ľ for the worse "Men are really powerful there. * As you see this series contains. it aims at warning the society. general, that the world and change rapidly to no good if no actions were be taken *n â والله معيار Noves the less, there are dystopian elements. Circle. The fact that there special presentation for person to become "transpert" spread hypocritical propaganda. is very griking. Also in the health check up only positive information is spread despite there are underlying threads. the circle could take other adjustments if & people make or have problems. har over that the fist and it is All in all, the...

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Circle contains many dystopian elements in my opinion. Nevertheless, to my mind there are ever more dystopian elements in 1984. I think 1884 is a "darker dystopia then the circle. But this could also be because the different conditions of the novels and the different attitudes the poragoms. to albrough the data by other means and that she could get punished if she did the wrong things according to the Circle (cf. 14.4,23, 44, 48-50).* ME The statement of the doctor that they have "modified [the bracelet] so it stays in place" (1.23) could also mean it can't be removed. anymore ever if she wanted. So it can consistently record what she does. Furthermore, it seems like Mae Holland is shy and unsure if she has done the right thing because she raises questions and says "I thik so'l(1.21,30) (cf. ll. 21, 39, 42). When the doctor told her she already ingested the sensor "((.37) Mae is surprised and can not believe she could not decide on her own whether she really wanted to have the sensor or not. It also shows that the Circle poes really trust her loyalty yet and her (cf.ll. 39-42) PP ✓ The enumeration of the many functions of the health monitor stresses that the Circle can track almost everything. It puts pressure on Mae and could lead to that she always has to disquise what she really is like (f.11.43-45) It also highlights that they *In line 10 it is stressed that the Circle make the decisions. Ranh more la. deal can 6 W too Cate Vor disease Kud recognized disease of his father and the that. *Wet about her insecurities 2 $7 A: analysis could also make other adjustments than just the positive ones (cf. ll. 46-59 The statement "Incomplete infor" mation creates caps in our knowledge, and medically speaking, gops in our knowledge create mitalas and omissions" is. at the same time a parallelism and assumes that the company punish. itif somebody tried to hide information. It also could mean the Circle tries to put the blame for problems on others. Because of the too late three children she actually already is convinced that the health plan of the Circle is important but the doctor makes her doree to it even more. To put it in a nutshell, by highlighting only the benefits, several rhetorical devices like hetherical questions, enumeration and paralelism Mae Holland is, despite of her basic agreement due to her experiences, conviced of the Circle's plans. even more Because basically the complete conver sation sounds like propaganda and there are underlying threats, it apper to be propaganda. This Supports Therefore, and because of my endlyzations the circa seems to be a dystopia. Name: Englisch LK Abi 2023 (Sk) Exam one: Visions of the Future: Utopia and Dystopia Klausurteil A: Sprachmittlung Task: You have dealt with dystopian literature in class. Your English teacher has given you the opportunity to suggest dystopian films that you would like to watch. While looking for ideas, you come across the following article about the new TV-series A Handmaid's Tale based on the novel by Margaret Atwood, which sounds interesting. You decide to write an email to your teacher in English in which you inform her about the topic(s) and the content. Write this email. Use the article as your source of information. 09.09.2022 A Handmaid's Tale (TV-Serie, 2017) Margaret Atwoods Geschichte spielt in den USA der nahen Zukunft. Das Land heißt nun allerdings Republik Gilead und wird von einem theokratischen Männer-Zirkel regiert. Scheidung ist abgeschafft, Homosexualität bei Todesstrafe verboten. Frauen dürfen keinen Beruf ausüben. Lesen ist ihnen verboten, vom Schreiben ganz zu schweigen. Weil Umweltgifte einen Großteil der Bevölkerung unfruchtbar gemacht haben, werden die letzten gebärfähigen Frauen in Zentren gesperrt, wo man sie durch Gewalt gefügig macht und auf ihre zukünftige Rolle als "Mägde" vorbereitet. Sie sollen den mächtigen Männern der Republik Kinder gebären. even names de charged [...] Die Zeit vor der Diktatur, an die sich [die Magd] Offred Eigentum von Fred") erinnert, ist unsere allernächste Zukunft. [Offred, damals noch] June lebt das Leben einer gebildeten, liberalen jungen Frau. Zu Anfang arbeitet sie noch in einem Verlag, hat Mann und Kind. In ihrer Freizeit geht sie mit ihrer lesbischen Freundin joggen, danach kaufen sie sich Kaffee in Pappbechern. Bis eines Tages im Café ihre Kreditkarte nicht mehr akzeptiert wird - allen Frauen des Landes ist der Zugriff auf ihr Geld gesperrt worden. Der Barista beschimpft sie als "Schlampe" und schmeißt sie aus dem Laden. Man merkt schon an der Schärfe des Tons, dass sich da etwas verändert hat - und zwar wahrscheinlich nicht nur in diesem kleinen Café. Die Welt kann sich ändern, fundamental und sehr schnell. Das ist die Warnung dieser Serie. http://www.sueddeutsche.de/medien/the-handmaids-tale-wenn-eine-serie-zum-politischen-kommentar-wird- 1.3692407, 4. Oktober 2017 Klausurteil B: Leseverstehen und Schreiben (integriert) Rückschalte Sk GK Englisch Q2.1 Klausurteil A (Sprachmittlung) 2 Inhaltliche Leistung Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler gibt die wesentlichen Inhalte Im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung sinngemäß zusammenfassend wieder. Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler fasst die Informationen situations- und adressatenbezogen sinngemäß zusammen. konzentriert sich dabel-bezogen auf den situativen Kontext-auf wesentliche Inhalte Beschreibt die Handlung The stor he story is set in a fictitious state called Gilead in the near future 1 Darstellungsleistung 3 1 3 1 Utopla and Dystopia fügt gf. für das Verstehen erforderliche detaillierte Erläuterungen hinzu. E. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) . . A liberal society turned into a very strict conservative and patriarchal regime after environmental pollution led to many women becoming Infertile Women are not allowed to control their money, read or write Women who are still fertile are trained to become nurses who are forced to give to birth to the children of the powerful men in this society "Offred, the protagonist, is one of these maids and the viewer gets to know that she used to be an emancipated woman who has a husband and a son. The series is said to comment on contemporary development and to show (and warn) that drastic developments and changes to a dictatorship can happen quickly. . This is why the series is interesting and suitable a movie for the English lessons. Name des Schülers/der Schülerin: Artikel: A Handmald's tale (sueddeutsche.de) Kommunikative Textgestaltung Die Schülerin/Der Schüler richtet ihren/ seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den/ die Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus. berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext. beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text gestaltet ihren/ seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. Ausdrucksvermögen/ Verfügen über sprachliche Mittel Die Schülerin/Der Schüler • löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien. • verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. • verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz • verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. Klausurteil B (Leseverstehen und Schreiben) 1. Bereich Inhalt Anforderungen Tellaufgabe 1 (comprehension) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler stellt einleitend dar, dass es sich bei dem Ausgangstext um einen Auszug aus dem Roman The Circle von Dave Eggers (2013) handelt, in dem die Gesundheitspolitik des Unternehmens The Circle durch Dr Villalobos erklärt und repräsentiert wird. Sprachrichtigkelt Die Schülerin/Der Schüler beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrekthelt im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation: Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie Teilaufgabe 2 (analysis) fasst die zu Grunde liegende Annahme/Philosophie und Bedingungen des Gesundheitsplans zusammen Prevention is better than reaction (therapy) Textauszug The Circle (Dave Eggers) The more the health workers and the Individual know the better the adjustments and early treatment . There are few concerns about privacy issues when it comes to health (very transparent and open) . It is to the company's and Individual's benefit . The Circle's health plan works so well because everybody in the system is very young • They can adjust work load according to physical fitness' • They believe the data needs to be collected automatically because you can't expect people to report voluntarily Beschreibt zusammenfassend den vorgeschlagenen "health plan Die Schülerin/Der Schüler . Checkups every two weeks • Controlling potential variations . The health monitor is to be worn all the time-you get used to wearing it so much that you don't notice its presence • It measures many physiological functions (e.g. heart rate, cholesterol, blood pressure) and life style influences (caloric intake, sleep) The data is immediately available erfüllt ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: Summe 18 (2) 18 9 9 27 Summe 1. Tellaufgabe Stellt heraus, dass Villalobos innerhalb einer asymmetrischen Konstellation paternalistisch, suggestiv und manipulativ agiert, so dass Mae an dem Programm teilnimmt ohne Bedenken außern zu können/wollen . Dr Villalobos appears to be friendly and at ease (self-confident) (135) . Figurative and idiomatic language when explaining the objective of the health plan (11. 35-39), eg. 'ahead of things', it is key, they run you over. Appears to be dynamic and accessible Dr Villalobos mostly lists/enumerates lots of technical terms and advantages of the monitor/system, e.g. ll. 35-39; 44-45; 77-85. she shows how complex, intricate and comprehensive the system is and overwhelms Mae Mae responds with very short answers most of the time, e.g. ll. 40; 50, 64 signs of insecurity, she is not the expert but does not dare to admit she does not follow Villalobos (condescending) reaction 'Oh Wow. when Mae admits she hasn't been to see a doctor since college suggests that she finds that very unnormal and that this has to change soon. When Mae answers I think so." (1. 64) to the question whether she still wants to be part of the program, Villalobos does not inquire any further. She is tricked Into drinking the sensor and Dr Villalobos jokes about it (11.71-73). Dr Villalobos is more Informal and colloquial than you'd expect from a doctor and appears to assume that everybody agrees to the politics of The Circle (e.g. il. 15 15 7 8 7 Punkte Punkte 22 max. Punkte 10 2 2 8 (2) 12 10 max. Punkte 16 10 The Circle is considered as a dystopia. But does it really contain much dystopian elements? In the following this question is commented on and this novel is compond to 1984. The novel "1384" by George Orwell is considered as a dystopia as well. It deals with a society living in. Oceania, the new USA. There is an Inner and Outer Party and the Proles, who 'normal citizens. The Head Nr.3 dre of the Party Ingsoc is Big Brother the society is consistently and controlled by television. The country is at war with Eurasia and the government controls everything, even food, electricity, news and dates. The protagonist Winston remembers some things of before and wants to stat a revolution. Also in both novels not all people. are controlled but just a part of society. Both protagonists are working for I the powerful oprication and getting controlled. In both novels, the protagonists got controlled by a powerful organization. In "1984" by "Big Brother" and in "The Cikle" by the "Three Wise Men Both names they are very powerfd the and omniscient cover the are It is one of 'the' Dystopies. G ✓ 6 a lot of dystopion dements. Therefore, I think it would be a good idea in class. to watch it Best regards, Melissa 3.N.1 The bestseller novel "The Circle", written by Dave Eggers in 2013, deals with a dystopian world where a technology compan has y much power and plans to collect many information about the people and it on social media to share The extract that will be summarized in. the following is about a health screening where & a sensor that reords all kinds. of information about the protamist, AV.: better, usc Mae Holland, becomes ingested the active vace First, the doctor Villalobos tells her there will be a health screening every two weeks to be able to preverit scuere health problems and to asult her diet. ( The doctor informs Mal that sing She signed the form all recorded date such as dialgues, actions and past records will be available online in one place. Next, the protagonist describes that the impression that only She has in the Circle just the employees of the company become "transparent" while Ai are not in 1984 the Proves do not become watch vertches all the since they are not owning televisions and line de 2º considered as proper humans. * Differences are e. g. that in 1984 the data only is visible for a small a ✓ group of the Party and facts even a become rewritten severd times. In the Circle the data should be available everyone online. to 6 A Furthermore, while in this book the protagmist is rather thinking in favor of the Circle's plans, Winston does not want to live in the system anymore. and therefore writes a diary and wants to start a rebellion. The character is very dissident. This could also be a result of the bad living conditions and the Tony Cashery long time at war of this dystopia.h pheral 184 18 seems "derker" to the reade in the Circle, the situation that all information become available to everyone. is rather new. There are no real disadvantages that point of time. Also, the living conditions appear to be quite good. *A further similarity are the short, in capital letters written statements as propaganda at Tellaufgabe 3 (evaluation) 1 a) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler nimmt einleitend Bezug auf die Thematik. Erläutert Ihr/sein Verständnis von der Textpassage. arbeltet anhand von Pro- und Kontraargumenten eine Einschätzung über die These der Aufgabe hinaus. Vergleicht überzeugend mit Aspekten der Gesellschaft aus 1984 4 erfüllt ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: 2 3 1 2 3 b) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler Beginnt den Dialog sinnvoll mit Eingangsphrasen Findet überzeugende Argumente für den Kritiker des Systems von dem Betrieb,The Circle. Findet für Mae sinnvolle Argumente für das Vorgehen von,The Circle' und der Bedeutung von Transparenz und der Analyse großer Datenmengen Kreiert eine (geladene) Atmosphäre, die der Situation gerecht wird und porträtiert die Charaktere überzeugend 5 erfüllt ggf. welteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: 3 4 5 II Bereich Sprache Kommunikative Textgestaltung Die Schülerin/Der Schüler richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus. beachtet die Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. 71-73) She makes private supervision of people's well-being and emotions/psychological sound to be ok and beneficial for the Individuals by saying that they would lower the workload In case workers are not responding well violation of privacy in the interest of the worker She behaves very self-confident and 'overreaching punching her cordially (172) After everything is set up Dr Villalobos digresses talking about the 'experiment In Iceland' Other aspects . 6 7 1. 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographle (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) 11. gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Die Schülerin/Der Schüler löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatzes. 8 bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatzes. 9 bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbaus. Sprachrichtigkeit Die Schülerin/Der Schülerbeachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit. Klausurtell A (30%) L II. Klausurtell 8 (70%) Summe der Punkte im Bereich Inhalt Summe der Punkte Im Bereich Sprache Gesamtsumme der Punkte Punkte Nate Klausurtell A+ Klausurtell B Summe der Punkte im Bereich Inhalt Summe der Punkte im Bereich Sprache Gesamtsumme der Punkte Gesamtsumme aller Punkte: 150 142- 134 127- 119- 112- 104- 97- 89 143 135 128 120 113 105 98 90 83 1+ 1- 2+ 2 2- 3+ 3 3. 82- 75 4+ 74 68 4 67- 58 4 18 27 45 42 63 105 150 15 22 37 34 51 85 Summe 2. Teilaufgabe 122 Summe 3. Tellaufgabe 57 48- 39 29 0 49 40 30 5+5 5- 6 Summe 3. Tellaufgabe 16 max. 6 2 6 6 (4) 14 4 4 2 max. 4 3 5 (4) 14 2 4 6 4 max. 7 max. 3 13 Punkte 2 4 5 11 Punkte 5 4 3 3 3 Punkte 4 5 3 5 Punkte 9 7 8 6 4 3 Die Klausur wird mit der Note gut plus bewertet. 26.5.22 z Du fasst die Aspekte der des Heath Plans gut zusammen, wobei jedoch recht stark ,nacherzählst'. Die Analyse gelingt dir gut. Du kannst noch stärker auf das suggestive Verhalten Villalobos eingehen. In der Einleitung kannst du die Frage ob The Circle cine Dystopie mit dem Vorhaben des Vergleich zu 1984 verknüpfen. Englisch LK Abi 2023 (Sk) Name: Exam one: Visions of the Future: Utopia and Dystopia V 09.09.2022 Excerpt from Dave Eggers' bestseller The Circle (2013). Shortly after Mae started to work for The Circle she is asked to attend a health screening to agree on a health plan. The costs for the insurance is fully covered by the company for employees (which is unusual in the USA). should be sign that it's not only posit A (...) The doctor smiled. "Every two weeks. That's the wellness component. If you come here only when there's a problem, you never get ahead of things. The biweekly checkups involve diet consultations, and we monitor any variances in your overall health. This is key for early underlying hi threa detection, for calibrating any meds you might be on, for seeing any problems a few miles away, as opposed to after they've run you over. Sound good?" Mae thought of her dad, how late they'd realized his symptoms were MS. "It does," she said. "And all the data we generate here is available to you online. Everything we do and talk about, and of course all your past records. You signed the form when you started that allowed us to bring in all your other doctors' information, so finally you'll have it all in one place, and 10 it's accessible to you, to us, and we can make decisions, see patterns, see potential issues, given our access to the complete picture. You want to see it?"... Mae had the feeling, which she was used to by now at the Circle, that they alone were able to think about or were simply alone in being able to enact-reforms that seemed beyond debate in their necessity and urgency. 15 "So when was your last checkup?" "Maybe college?" greters not health related "Okay, wow. Let's start with your vital signs, all the basics. Have you seen one of these?" The doctor held out a silver bracelet, about three inches wide. Mae had seen health monitors on Jared and Dan, but theirs were made of rubber, and fit loosely. This one was thinner and lighter. "I think so. It measures your heart rate?" "Right. Most of the longtime Circlers have some version of it, but they've been complaining about it being too loose, like some kind of bangle'. So we've modified it so it stays in place. You want to try it on?" 25 Mae did. The doctor fit it onto her left wrist, and clicked it closed. It was snug. "It's warm," Mae said. ¹ Bangle - Armreif metoen "It'll feel warm for a few days, then you and the bracelet will get used to each other. But it has to touch the skin, of course, to measure what we'd like to measure which is everything. You did want the full program, right?" "I think so." surt probably can't remar anymore "In your intake, you said you wanted the complete recommended array of measurements. Is that still true?" "It is." "Okay. Can you drink this?" The doctor handed Mae the dense green liquid she'd been preparing. "It's a smoothie."pt dig without knowing infused sensor Mae drank it down. It was viscous and cold. "Okay, you just ingested the sensor that will connect to your wrist monitor. It was in that glass." The doctor punched Mae's shoulder playfully. "I love doing that." "I already swallowed it?" Mae said, surped playing wher can do mything they want the Circle can enact reforms that were. thought to be unnecessity. Furthermore, Mae Holland gets a bracelet. As the doctor describes, it can measure everything the company wants and will feel like a part of her body after a few days. Next, Holland gets incosted: the sensor without knowing by drinking & smoothie. Dr. Villalobos mentions may. functions that should help making adjustments to improve possible vanations* Moreover, Mae describes problems with self-report of health data in college. In this occasion, the doctor claims that in the future the data The should be recorded 30 students. can concentrate on their tasks and consequences could follow in order to provent severe diseases. To condude, Dr. Villalobos tries to convince Mãe during the health checkup from the circle's health plan and sensors and their benefits. n Kand giving better care. 64 65 6 PP arche" it ..N+²2 After summarising the extract of the will be analyzed in the following. It will be pointed out now. мае is made to gree to the Circle's health plan and monitor What is very striking is that during the whole & no disadvantages. but only benefits of the Circle and it's health plan are mentioned. su. G #It is portrayed as wellness component that there is a health check-up every two weeks. Nevertheless, it could also mean that the company just wants to be sure it's employees are controlled once again and that they are thinking in favor of the company. Also, the fact that the costs are R fully is unusual I by the circle could be which US could be & a hirt that the health plan not only is positive. For the reader, it seems like what exclly creates the whole conversation is propaganda and this impression should convince Man of the health monitor. The rhetorical question "Sound good?" (1.5) supports that the doctor wants to be sure Mae only sees the positive side of it. Despite of this, there often is an underlying threat or hint in Dr. Villalobos sentences that the Circle & could also was Englisch LK Abi 2023 (Sk) Name: Exam one: Visions of the Future: Utopia and Dystopia adjustments "It's the best way. If I put it in your hand, you'd hem and haw². But the sensor is so small, and it's organic of course, so you drink it, you don't notice, and it's over." you drink it, "So the sensor is already in me?" to decids on her own "It is. And now," the doctor said, tapping Mae's wrist monitor, "now it's active. It'll collect data on your heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, heat flux, caloric intake, sleep 45 duration, sleep quality, digestive efficiency, on and on. A nice thing for the Circlers, food especially those like you who might have occasionally stressful jobs, is that it measures galvanic skin response, which allows you to know when you're amped or anxious. When we see non-normative rates of stress in a Circler or a department, we can make adjustments to workload, for example. It measures the pH level of your sweat, so you can tell when you need to hydrate with alkaline water. It detects your posture, so you know when you need to reposition yourself. ... " "We're asking all newbies to wear these second-gen models, and in a few months we'll have all Circlers coordinated. The idea is that with complete information, we can give better care. Incomplete information creates gaps in our knowledge, and medically speaking, gaps in our knowledge create mistakes and omissions." parallelism don't know what action Tasks: "I know," Mae said. "That was the problem in college for me. You self-reported your health data, and so it was all over the place. Three kids died of meningitis before they realized how it was spreading." actually convindsdie Dr. Villalobos's expression darkened. "You know, that kind of thing is just unnecessary now. First of all, you can't expect college kids to self-report. It should all be done for them, so they can concentrate on their studies. STDs alone, Hep C-imagine if the data was just there. Then appropriate action could be taken. No guesswork. Have you heard of that experiment up in Iceland?" 09.09.2022 • don't Ally frust 1) Summarize how Dr. Villalobos depicts the philosophy of the Circle's health plan and the function of the health monitor. (12 points) 2) Analyse how the protagonist (Mae) is 'made' to agree to the Circle's health plan (+ health monitor) in this excerpt and the impression it makes on the reader. (16 points) 3) Discuss to which extend this sequence shows dystopian elements. Refer and compare to what you know about the society depicted in Orwell's 1984. You can also refer to the protagonists attitudes. (14 points) Or In the evening Mae Holland talks to her ex-boyfriend who is very critical of the Circle's politics and tells him about her new insurance and health plan. He critizes the company and makes references to Orwell's 1984. Write the dialogue. (14 points) part of s. propaganda saten TC ortine (to) hem and haw-herumdrucksen 1584 nicht on line facts werden rewritter für everyone protagonis ayoing/ protagonist Kapros tem ysten dissidat long bad time cond non diſtopian dark new 3900 N Dicklichen disadus