


Utopia & Dystopia







Utopia & Dystopia
Science Fiction
• concentrates on scientific/ technological progress and its positive/ negative effects on society
• E.g.
Utopia & Dystopia
Science Fiction
• concentrates on scientific/ technological progress and its positive/ negative effects on society
• E.g.

Utopia & Dystopia Science Fiction • concentrates on scientific/ technological progress and its positive/ negative effects on society • E.g. time traveling • Shows paranormal activities -> mind control, telepathy • Non-human characters Utopia: An imagined place, state or society in which everything is perfect Characteristics of a Utopian world: • Independence ● Harmonious state Education for everyone Happiness for everyone Prosperity Equality • High standard of living • Justice • Property • Little to no crime Other characteristics: usually set on an island • Sometimes make fun of the current issues • Some include an element of science fiction Dystopia: An imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice Characteristics of a dystopian world: • antithesis of the Utopian world • Pessimistic view of the future • Control of the society • No individuality is allowed ● Information, independant thought and freedom are restricted (eingeschränkt) • Fear of the outside world • Constant surveillance (Überwachung) -> no privacy • Inequality -> gap between rich and poor • No democracy, usually dictatorship (or no government), totalitarian system • Portray technology in a negative way • Poverty, violence, bad conditions Suppression • War, famine (Hungersnot), epidemies 5 Characteristics of Dystopian Fiction . Government control. • Environmental destruction. • Technological control. Survival. • Loss of individualism. Dystopian features: pressure, manipulation, control, fear of getting caught, being tortured, losing all social contacts and being humiliated, working as inescapable power machines, worlds governments are dehumanized "Brave New World" •...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

Roman written by Aldous Huxley • Goes back to 1932 • It portrays a futuristic state with a totalitarian system in which everyone should be happy • Ten controllers rule the world . o Mustapha Mond: main character, controller, one of the ten most powerful people in the world Genetic engeneering -> Embryos are artificially (künstlich) erzeugt, conditioned and predestined -> creates a rigid social structure goal is social stability, immobilization (Ruhigstellung) of all desires -> achieved through total satisfaction -> Consumption and promiscuity (sexual intercourse with frequently changing partners) are mandatory (Pflicht) • characters are blinded to the reality because of drug (Soma) -> control • Soma makes people feel good and happy