


Victory speech- Obama Analysis







Barack Obama's victory Speech
When analysing Obama's speech one can clearly say that he is using numerous rhetorical
devices to motivate his

Barack Obama's victory Speech When analysing Obama's speech one can clearly say that he is using numerous rhetorical devices to motivate his audience. Obama starts his speech by referring to the former colonies in the United States (cf. 1. 1). Moreover he addresses his listeners directly to make them feel included, he also uses an anaphora. "It moves forward because of you... (1.3) emphasizes that the changes which are going on in America are happening because of its citizens, because of their "spirit" (1.4). Furthermore he mentions Americas history in line 9 and 10. Therefore he remarks that the American people went through all of this together, he makes it clear by using "we" (cf. 1.10) again. Obama claims that for the United States of America, the best is yet to come", after enumerating all the obstcles they have had to overcome to win the election. After that he uses an anaphora to connect his ideas for the living conditions from the future generation. By presenting his ideas he repeats the adjective "best" in line 14. It's purpose is to make it stay in the listeners mind. The choice of words in the second part of his ideas stress the negative aspect they could become for the people. Then Obama characterises the United...

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States as a "safe" (1.20) place. Using an enumeration with positive adjectives contrats the negative aspect Obama mentions before Noticeable is also that he finishes this part of his speech switching from "we... want / believe" to (cf. L.20, 1.25) to "I believe we can" (cf. 1.30) to stress his qualities as the president. Finally the orator alludes to the American Dream, focusing on the differences among Americans, using opposites to create contrasts (cf. ll. 32-36) and to visualize how gracious these differences really are. To encourage his audience and to make the feel proud and motivated he declares that everybody can make it in America if they're willing to try" (cf. ll. 3Sf.) "