


Wie bekomme ich schwarzes Papier in GoodNotes? | Vorlagen & Tipps


Wie bekomme ich schwarzes Papier in GoodNotes? | Vorlagen & Tipps
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GoodNotes offers various paper color options, including black, which can be easily changed within the app. Users can customize their note-taking experience by selecting different paper colors and templates to suit their preferences and needs.



Changing Paper Color in GoodNotes

GoodNotes provides a range of paper color options, including black paper, which can be easily changed to suit your preferences. This guide explains how to change the paper color in GoodNotes and customize your note-taking experience.

To change the background in GoodNotes, follow these steps:

  1. Open your document in GoodNotes.
  2. Tap the three dots (...) in the top right corner to access more options.
  3. Select "Change Template" or "Vorlage ändern" from the menu.
  4. In the template selection screen, look for the "Paper Color" or "Papierfarbe" option.
  5. Tap on the current paper color (usually shown as "White" or "Weiß").
  6. You will now see various color options, including black, yellow, and others.

Highlight: GoodNotes offers a variety of paper colors beyond just black and white, allowing for greater customization of your notes.

The app also provides different paper sizes and templates to choose from, such as:

  • A7 (Phone/iPhone)
  • A6
  • A5
  • A4
  • A3
  • Letter
  • Tabloid

Vocabulary: "Vorlage ändern" is the German term for "Change Template" in GoodNotes.

By following these steps, you can easily add black paper to GoodNotes or choose any other color that suits your needs. This feature is particularly useful for those who prefer darker backgrounds for reduced eye strain or for creative projects that require different colored papers.

Example: You might use black paper for note-taking in low-light environments or for creating visually striking diagrams and sketches with light-colored pens.

Remember that changing the paper color affects the current page or template. If you want to apply the change to the entire document, you may need to repeat the process for each page or section.

<88 an
GoodNotes Standard, Dark Paper
Paper Color
GoodNotes Standard
A7 (Phone)
Bar A6
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Wie bekomme ich schwarzes Papier in GoodNotes? | Vorlagen & Tipps
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99 Follower


Wie bekomme ich schwarzes Papier in GoodNotes? | Vorlagen & Tipps

GoodNotes offers various paper color options, including black, which can be easily changed within the app. Users can customize their note-taking experience by selecting different paper colors and templates to suit their preferences and needs.



Changing Paper Color in GoodNotes

GoodNotes provides a range of paper color options, including black paper, which can be easily changed to suit your preferences. This guide explains how to change the paper color in GoodNotes and customize your note-taking experience.

To change the background in GoodNotes, follow these steps:

  1. Open your document in GoodNotes.
  2. Tap the three dots (...) in the top right corner to access more options.
  3. Select "Change Template" or "Vorlage ändern" from the menu.
  4. In the template selection screen, look for the "Paper Color" or "Papierfarbe" option.
  5. Tap on the current paper color (usually shown as "White" or "Weiß").
  6. You will now see various color options, including black, yellow, and others.

Highlight: GoodNotes offers a variety of paper colors beyond just black and white, allowing for greater customization of your notes.

The app also provides different paper sizes and templates to choose from, such as:

  • A7 (Phone/iPhone)
  • A6
  • A5
  • A4
  • A3
  • Letter
  • Tabloid

Vocabulary: "Vorlage ändern" is the German term for "Change Template" in GoodNotes.

By following these steps, you can easily add black paper to GoodNotes or choose any other color that suits your needs. This feature is particularly useful for those who prefer darker backgrounds for reduced eye strain or for creative projects that require different colored papers.

Example: You might use black paper for note-taking in low-light environments or for creating visually striking diagrams and sketches with light-colored pens.

Remember that changing the paper color affects the current page or template. If you want to apply the change to the entire document, you may need to repeat the process for each page or section.

<88 an
GoodNotes Standard, Dark Paper
Paper Color
GoodNotes Standard
A7 (Phone)
Bar A6
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