


Stammfunktion berechnen: Aufgaben, Regeln und Beispiele







<h2 id="potenzregelderintegralrechnung">Potenzregel der Integralrechnung</h2>
<p>The potenzregel integral beispiel shows that for a function
<h2 id="potenzregelderintegralrechnung">Potenzregel der Integralrechnung</h2>
<p>The potenzregel integral beispiel shows that for a function

Potenzregel der Integralrechnung

The potenzregel integral beispiel shows that for a function f(x) = x², the corresponding stammfunktion berechnen is F(x) = (x³)/3. When we take the derivative of F(x) with respect to x, we get back to the original function f(x), as expected.

Summenregel der Integralrechnung

In the summenregel integral beweis, for a function f(x) = x¹ + x², the stammfunktion berechnen is F(x) = (x²)/2 + (x³)/3. The derivative of F(x) with respect to x yields back the original function f(x), proving the validity of the summenregel.

Faktorregel der Integralrechnung

The faktorregel integral beispiel demonstrates that for a function f(x) = 5x², the stammfunktion berechnen is F(x) = (5x³)/3. This follows the faktorregel integral, and the derivative of F(x) with respect to x returns the original function f(x).

Exponentialregel der Integralrechnung

In the exponentialregel integral beispiel, for a function f(x) = e^2x, the stammfunktion berechnen is F(x) = (1/2) e^2x. The derivative of F(x) with respect to x verifies the correctness of the exponentialregel.

Sinusregel und Kosinusregel der Integralrechnung

Applying the sinusregel and kosinusregel integral regeln to the function f(x) = 3 cos (3x²) results in the stammfunktion berechnen F(x) = (1/3) sin (3x³) + C, where C is the constant of integration. The derivative of F(x) confirms that the original function is recovered, thus validating the sinusregel and kosinusregel integralrechner.

By understanding and applying these integral regeln, mathematicians and scientists can efficiently solve complex mathematical problems involving integrals and stammfunktionen.

Zusammenfassung - Mathe

  • The potenzregel integral beispiel demonstrates how to calculate the stammfunktion berechnen for functions like f(x) = x², producing F(x) = (x³)/3
  • The summenregel integral beweis shows how to find the stammfunktion berechnen for functions involving addition, such as f(x) = x¹ + x², resulting in F(x) = (x²)/2 + (x³)/3
  • The faktorregel integral beispiel illustrates the stammfunktion berechnen for functions like f(x) = 5x², giving F(x) = (5x³)/3
  • The exponentialregel integral beispiel demonstrates how to find the stammfunktion berechnen for functions involving the exponential function, such as f(x) = e^2x, giving F(x) = (1/2) e^2x
  • The sinusregel und kosinusregel integral regeln are used to calculate the stammfunktion berechnen for functions involving sine and cosine, such as f(x) = 3 cos (3x²), resulting in F(x) = (1/3) sin (3x³) + C

By understanding and applying these integral regeln, mathematicians and scientists can efficiently solve complex mathematical problems involving integrals and stammfunktionen.

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Mathe

Q: What is the stammfunktion berechnen for the function f(x) = x² using the potenzregel integral?

A: The stammfunktion berechnen for the function f(x) = x² using the potenzregel integral is F(x) = (x³)/3.

Q: How does the summenregel integral beweis validate the stammfunktion berechnen?

A: The summenregel integral beweis validates the stammfunktion berechnen by showing that the derivative of the stammfunktion yields back the original function f(x).

Q: What is the stammfunktion berechnen for the function f(x) = 5x² applying the faktorregel integral?

A: The stammfunktion berechnen for the function f(x) = 5x² applying the faktorregel integral is F(x) = (5x³)/3.

Q: How does the exponentialregel integral beispiel proves the correctness of the stammfunktion berechnen for the function f(x) = e^2x?

A: The exponentialregel integral beispiel proves the correctness of the stammfunktion berechnen by showing that the derivative of the stammfunktion with respect to x results in the original function f(x).

Q: How does the application of the sinusregel and kosinusregel integral regeln validate the stammfunktion berechnen for the function f(x) = 3 cos (3x²)?

A: The application of the sinusregel and kosinusregel integral regeln validates the stammfunktion berechnen by confirming that the derivative of the stammfunktion yields back the original function, thus proving the correctness of the stammfunktion berechnen.

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